02 June 2006 |
28 & 29 June 2006
Venue: Antwerp (Belgium)
Organizers: UNU/ZEF European Focal Point
Language: English |
10 May 2006 |
26 May 2006
Venue: UN House, Tokyo (Japan)
Organizers: UNU/ZEF
Language: Japanese |
25 April 2006 |
08 May 2006
Venue: San Francisco (USA)
Organizers: MIT, UC Berkeley, UNU/ZEF European Focal Point
Language: English |
10 January 2006 |
26 January 2006
Venue: Naha, Okinawa (Japan)
Organizers: Okinawa Prefecture & UNU/ZEF
Language: Japanese |
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1 December 2005 |
10 December 2005
Venue: Kyoto (Japan)
Organizers: Kyoto Prefecture & UNU/ZEF
Language: Japanese |
01 December 2005 |
A joint pre-study of a) the German Süddeutsches Institut Augsburg/Germany, b) PanMobile Eisenstadt/Austria and c) the European Focal Point of UNU/ZEF financially supported by the Austrian Ministry of Environment aimed at identifying paths towards an implementation of the Zero Emissions concept in the regional development for the Austrian Federal State of Burgenland was just completed. Its main foci are the development of the regional economy through a) clustering of industries and b) extended utilisation of natural resources. Both should also lead to decreased traffic in the region.
Towards this aim
- an analysis of material flows in the region was conducted;
- a comprehensive survey illustrated international models for the region;
- examples of best practice, obstacles and innovative companies were explored, including the identification of promising examples for clusters.
Based on these findings, discussions with leading companies of the region were initiated, leading to workshops, not only presenting the findings, but also to network in order to jointly define possible pilot projects towards Zero Emissions. |
10 October 2005 |
- Chahine, Georges (Lafarge - Cement Division)
- Fujimura, Hiroyuki (Chairman UNU/ZEF)
- Fujimori, Yoshiaki (GE Japan Ltd.)
- Hibi, Yasushi (Conservation International)
- Nishioka, Shuzo (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
- Mitsuhashi, Tadahiro (UNU/ZEF Representative - Local Government Network)
- Rapf, Oliver (WWF International, Climate Change Program)
- Makino, Mitsuo (Mayor, Iida City)
- Matsuoka, Toyoto (Tokyo Electric Power Co.)
- Tanaka, Kenji (Ricoh Company Ltd.)
- Totten, Michael (Center for Environmental Leadership in Business Conservation Int.)
- Van Ginkel, Hans (Rector UNU)
- Wyman, Michelle (ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, USA Inc.)
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November 25, 2004 |
Digital recording of the Zero Emissions 10th Anniversary Symposium at UNU Centre |
November 02, 2004 |
- Fujimura, Hiroyuki (Chairman UNU/ZEF)
- Kobayashi, Yotaro (Chairman Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.)
- Koike, Yuriko (Japanese Minister of the Environment)
- Martinez-Alier, Joan (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
- Mitsuhashi, Tadahiro (Chiba University of Commerce)
- Okabe, Keiichiro (Chairman Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd.)
- Pachauri, Rajendra K. (Chairman IPCC)
- Robèrt, Karl-Henrik (Chairman, The Natural Step International)
- Schmidt-Bleek, Friedrich (President, Factor 10 Institute)
- Suzuki, Motoyuki (Special Programme Advisor UNU)
- Van Ginkel, Hans (Rector UNU)
- Yamamoto, Ryoichi (University of Tokyo)
September 20, 2004 |
A consortium of the UNU/ZEF European Focal Point, Süddeutsches Institut (Augsburg), The Natural Step International /TNSi and EKOKON Nusantara Ecological Consulting (Jakarta) completed the first part of a pre-study for a Zero Emissions pilot project in Eastern Sumatra (Indonesia). The work was financially supported by UNDP Indonesia. Purpose of this study was
- To develop a strategic approach towards sustainable development for the Riau Regency,
- To identify linkages to completed and running projects in Indonesia and around the world, and
- A first rough analysis to the regional waste-streams based on existing and available data.
August 28, 2004 |
A joint workshop of UNU's IT & Environment Initiative, UNU/ZEF, Hewlett Packard and Promotionteam Wetzlar entitled "Solving the E-Waste Problem: A Synthetic Approach", which is part of the International Conference "Electronic Goes Green 2004+" takes place on Sunday September 5, 2004 from 16:00 - 19:00 h at the conference venue Estrel Hotel & Convention Center in Berlin (Germany).
The main idea of this workshop is to discuss and plan our joint activities with respect to assessing four particular approaches in order to solve the e-waste problem:
- Processing obsolete electronics in industrialized countries, but exporting reusable computers and components,
- Processing obsolete electronic in industrializing countries under strict environmental and occupational health standards,
- Designing toxic materials out of computers and designing in ease of dismantling/reuse, and
- Import and export bans.
The workshop's target is
- To develop consensus on these joint activities and
- How to organize these in a neutral arena provided by the UN.
August 24, 2004 |
A consortium of UNU/ZEF members, representatives of the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) and further prominent persons jointly completed a manual on the Zero Emissions concept, published by UNU/ZEF and DBJ. An English version is now available and can be purchased for Yen 1,000
(ISBN 4-907717-90-3) |
June 24, 2004 |
The Zero Emissions 10th Anniversary International Symposium is going to take place on 25th & 26th November 2004 at the UNU Centre in Tokyo (Japan).
Under the title "Towards a Global Model of a Sustainable Society: Zero Emissions by Circulation, Regeneration and Symbiosis" prominent persons like e.g. Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauir (Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Keichiro Okabe (Chairman, Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd.), Prof. Karl-Henrik Robért (Chairman, The Natural Step International). Prof. Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek (President, Factor 10 Institute), Prof. Martinex-Alier (Universitas Autonoma de Barcelona), Yotaro Kobayashi (Chairman, Fuji Xerox) will gather under the chairman-ship of Prof. Hans van Ginekl (Rector UNU), Dr. Hiroyuki Fujimura (Chairman UNU/ZEF) and Prof. Motoyuki Suzuki (Professor University of Air/Special Programme Advisor UNU). |
April 01, 2004 |
The Honorary Chairman of EBARA Corp. Dr. Hiroyuki Fujimura was appointed Chairman of the United Nations University Zero Emissions Forum (UNU/ZEF). Dr. Fujimura (*1932) succeeds Dr. Keizo Yamaji.
After graduating in 1955 in Mechanical Engineering from Osaka University he joined EBARA Corp. Dr. Fujimura served as EBARA's Managing Director, President, Chairman and Representative Director before becoming Honorary Chairman in April 2004.
In 2002 he was offered a Doctoral Degree in Engineering (Dr.-Eng.) from Osaka University. |
March 05, 2004 |
The book "Computers and the Environment: Understanding and Managing their Impacts" edited by Ruediger Kuehr, UNU/ZEF European Focal Point, and Eric Williams, UNU IT & Environment Initiative, is going to be launched at an event held 15-17:00 h 8th March 2004 at the UN Headquarters in New York. |
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December 04, 2003 |
Through the kind provision of grants v through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), one joint R&D project between UNU & TNSi is already at start. UNDP sees the Zero Emissions approach and the TNS framework as critical elements of corporate environmental responsibility within Indonesia in the future. Its funds ensures the realisation of necessary background research and material flow analysis in the regency of Pelalawan (West-Sumatra), in order to prepare an expert-workshop and a feasibility study on a Zero Emissions pilot project in this natural resource rich region. |
December 01, 2003 |
To anchor the new partnership between UNU and TNSi with its Secretariat in Stockholm (Sweden), both institutes agreed that TNSi becomes official host of the UNU/ZEF's European Focal. |
November 31, 2003 |
With view to contributing to the development of joint research and capacity development activities the Vice-Secretary General of the United Nations and Rector of the United Nations University, Prof. Hans van Ginkel, and the Chairman of The Natural Step International, Prof. Karl-Henrik Robèrt signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UNU and TNSi last November 2003. This agreement frameworks the close cooperation, especially between TNSi and UNU's Zero Emissions Forum (UNU/ZEF) and aims at synergizing efforts to achieve a common objective of strategic ecological and social structuring.
October 31, 2003 |
Ruediger Kuehr an Eric Williams jointly edited a 285 pages on "Computers and the Environment: Managing and Understanding their Impacts" with contribution from prominent representatives of industry and sciences. See more information. |
October 01, 2003 |
Aiming at jointly realizing an international conference on "Integrative Food Production and Consumption in the Balkan - towards Zero Emissions" in autumn 2004, the UNU and TEI signed an agreement. |
May 30, 2003 |
A consortium of UNU/ZEF members, representatives of the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) and further prominent persons jointly completed a manual on the Zero Emissions concept, published by UNU/ZEF and DBJ. An English version is under preparation. |
March 08, 2003 |
Under the coordination of Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH(Austria), UNU/ZEF actively participated in the development and submission of an application under a call for European Comission funded research projects. The joint project is entitled: "Sustainable Entrepreneurship - technical, economical, ecological and social aspect." |
March 06, 2003 |
The secretary of PREPARE currently hosted by the Slovak Cleaner production Center and the European focal Point signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" This MOU targets a closer cooperation, especially in realizing the upcoming conference in Jurmala (Latvia) and in intensifying the sustainable development work in Eastern Europe. |
February 27, 2003 |
The Magazine "Madame" (02/2003) published an article in German entitle "Abfallberge, ade! Bonjour, Nachhaltigkeit! Null Emission ist die Hoffnung des 21. Jahrhunderts" written by Martin Vogelsang. The magazine authorsied a publication of this article on the UNU/ZEF website. Please find it here! |
February 26, 2003 |
UNU/ZEF recently became a core-partner of ASEM S&T Platform on Clean and Sustainable Production, a joint effort of the Danish Technological Institute, Joanneum Research Austria, Asia Pacific Roundtable for Cleaner Production and KITCH Korean Cleaner Production Centers.
February 10, 2003 |
The Natural Step and UNU/ZEF agreed to intensively cooperate in developing, acquiring and implementing research projects. |
January 26, 2003 |
A representative from UNU/ZEF is invited to participate in the core-group meeting of PREPARE.NET, which is going to take place from Jan. 29 to Jan. 31, 2003 in Rigi-Kaltbad (Switzerlan). PREPARE (Preventive Environmental Protection Approaches in Europe) is an informal, independent network of experts in the field of cleaner production and sustainable development. The members mainly come from research institutions, management positions of the government and international organizations. |
January 06, 2003 |
From March 26 to 29, 2003, Lettland University will organize the "Integrative Approaches towards Sustainability Conference" near Riga, which is located in Jurmala beach. 75 young scientists will be able to attend this conference, which is supported by UNU/ZEF. Contact & further information: Ms. Dina Berzina, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, dinab@latnet.lv |
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November 02, 2002 |
On October 31 and November 01, 2002, UNU/ZEF held an international symposium. This symposium, entitled "Zero Emissions and Clean Energy" , included speeches delivered by Amory Lovins (CEO, Rocky Mountain Institute), Yuji Kawaguchi (Senior Chief Engineer, Honda), Markus Baur (Director Engineering Group, BMW Japan), Bragi Arnason (Professor, Iceland University), Gabriel F de Scheemaker (CFO, Shell Hydroegn B.V.) and Hiroshi Yoshida (Executive Director, NEDO), etc.. See Events for further information. |
September 26, 2002 |
UNU/ZEF participated in the formulation of the following Expressions of Interest (EoI). EoI guide the European Commission in choosing support of sustainability-related projects. These EoIs are now available online:
September 05, 2002 |
The Polytechnic of Hamburg will hold an expert-Workshop on November 17-18, 2002, under the "Sub-Chem." project of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This workshop focuses of the role of paradigms as guiding instruments for environmental action, "Zero Emissions" being considered one such paradigm. |
July 24, 2002 |
On March 26-29, 2003, LatviaUniversity as principal coordinator supported by the ZERI Baltic Foundation and UNU/ZEF will held a conference in the spa city of Latvia's capital Riga, Jurmala. This conference is especially addressed to young participants from the Baltic States, as well as other MOE. See Events for more information. |
June 12, 2002 |
The European Commission (EC) is adopting a new tool called the Expression of Interest (EoI) to set directions for its 6th framework programme of research. Interest of European researchers in Zero Emissions is reflected by the participation of UNU/ZEF in submissions of three EoI to the EC. Partner organizations for the three proposals are the Institute for Industrial Production of the University of Karlsruhe (Germany), the Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) in Vienna (Austria), and Joanneum Research in Graz (Austria).
May 03, 2002 |
In June 2000 leaders of innovative initiatives targeting eco-restructuring gathered in France to discuss ways to progress towards sustainability. From that meeting emerged the concept for the "Alliance for Global Eco-Structuring (AGES)", a network dedicated to discover common denominators within their respective approaches, and systematically share experiences with each other. Member organizations include Clean Technology (Thailand), Factor 10 (France), Sustainable Technology Development (Netherlands), The Natural Step (Sweden) UNEP's Cleaner Production Network, Natural Capitalism (USA) and Ecological Footprint (USA/Mexico). Plans are developing for activities and funding for AGES, with Ruediger Kuehr of UNU/ZEF as International Coordinator. |
April 30, 2002 |
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) intends to generate both basic knowledge and innovative models for building and housing in the 21st century. They are pursuing the idea of a Zero Emissions city, first through an exploratory workshop which will be used as a basis to begin grant programs to support research in the area. See Links for more information. |
April 24, 2002 |
UNU is hosting and co-organizing the International Symposium on Information Technology (IT) and the Environment, to be held on September 19-20, 2002 at UNU Centre in Tokyo. The symposium address structural changes in energy demand due to the IT revolution and also how IT can be used as a tool to realize Zero Emissions. See Events for more information. |
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