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Edited by Nevelina I. Pachova, Mikiyasu Nakayama and Libor Jansky

International Water Security: Domestic Threats and Opportunities

International Water Security

International Water Security: Domestic Threats and Opportunities
Edited by Nevelina I. Pachova, Mikiyasu Nakayama and Libor Jansky

ISBN 978-92-808-1150-6
308 pages; paper; US$35.00
March 2008

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

Water is essential for all aspects of life. Managing water is a challenging task, particularly in shared water basins that host more than half of the world's population. National sovereignty and security considerations have long constrained the reasonable, equitable and sustainable utilization of international water courses. With post-Cold War democratization and globalization on the rise, domestic actors have an increasingly important role to play in national decision-making and traditional foreign policy debates.

This volume explores both these threats and opportunities through the presentation of case studies that analyze the multi-faceted and dynamic nature of the interplay between domestic and international water security.

Nevelina I. Pachova is Programme Associate at the United Nations University's Vice-Rectorate in Europe. Mikiyasu Nakayama is Professor of the Institute of Environmental Studies at the Graduate School of Frontier Science, University of Tokyo. Libor Jansky is Senior Academic Programme Officer at the United Nations University's Vice-Rectorate in Europe.

Table of contents


Part I: Treaties and institutions

Part II: Emerging security threats

Part III: Opportunities for cooperation



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