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Usable Thoughts: Climate, Water and Weather in the Twenty-first Century

Michael H. Glantz and Qian Ye

Short quotations are often used to stimulate thought and evoke discussion. The intention of this book is no less ambitious. Drawing upon a series of quotations taken from the World Meteorological Organization-sponsored publication, Climate: Into the 21st Century, the authors set out to encourage thought and discussion on the earth’s climate system, including its interrelatedness to human society and the environment, the impact of climate variability, and climate extremes and change.

Human Rights Regimes in the Americas

Edited by Mónica Serrano and Vesselin Popovski

Human Rights Regimes in the Americas examines the complex role of human rights norms and standards in the region’s progression, illustrating the evolution and impact of international conventions, laws and institutions. The chapters combine historical detail with a focus on presentday challenges for the regional and domestic human rights regimes, highlighting particular obstacles, successful approaches and strategies.

Democracy in the South: Participation, the State and the People

Edited by Brendan Howe, Vesselin Popovski and Mark Notaras

Traditionally, studies on democracy have focused on the orthodox so-called Northern models of democratic governance, and within this framework, the extent to which Southern models are considered democratic. This book is the first truly international collaboration that draws attention to the complex problems of democratic consolidation across the majority world. Nine case studies, three each from Africa, Latin America and Asia, shed light on the contemporary challenges faced by democratizing countries.

Partnerships for Women’s Health: Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact

Edited by Martina Timmermann and Monika Kruesmann

Every minute, at least one woman dies from pregnancy and childbirth complications; a further twenty suffer injury, infection or disease. Despite medical advances, and years of national and international policy declarations, this tragic situation remains particularly severe in developing countries. This book draws together insights and experiences of development practitioners, policy-makers, academic experts and private sector partners to describe the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI).

The State of the Environment in Asia 2006/2007

Edited by Japan Environmental Council

Despite the breadth of topics covered and the vastly different socioeconomic and environmental conditions found throughout Asia, this book offers a broad yet sufficiently detailed overview of the environment in Asia. Like its predecessors in the series, The State of the Environment in Asia 2006/2007 succeeds in bringing greater clarity to the region’s environmental situation and offers practical steps for thinking locally and acting regionally in global partnership for sustainable development.

African Security Governance: Emerging Issues

Edited by Gavin Cawthra

Africa faces a seemingly ever-increasing range of security challenges. The traditional threats of civil and border conflicts, crises of governance and military coups may have receded but they remain active. This book is a result of research carried out over a number of years by the Southern African Defence and Security Management Network (SADSEM) on many of these new and emerging security issues, in cooperation with the Danish Institute for International Studies and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding the Implications of Culture & Context

Edited by Jean Baxen and Anders Breidlid

Popular understanding of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa is riddled with contradiction and speculation. This is revealed in HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, which explores the various contexts in which debate about HIV/AIDS takes place and examines how the pandemic is perceived by scholars, religious leaders and traditional healers, among others – in communities in and around South Africa.

New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding

Edited by Edward Newman, Roland Paris and Oliver P. Richmond

Peacebuilding in conflict-prone or post-conflict countries — such as East Timor, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone — aims to prevent the re-emergence or escalation of violent conflict and establish a durable peace. This volume explores and critiques the ‘liberal’ premise of contemporary peacebuilding: the promotion of democracy, market-based economic reforms and a range of other institutions associated with ‘modern’ states as a driving force for building peace.

United Nations Justice: Legal and Judicial Reform in Governance Operations

By Calin Trenkov-Wermuth

At the end of the 20th century, and at the dawn of the 21st, the United Nations was tasked with the administration of justice in territories placed under its executive authority, an undertaking for which there was no established precedent or doctrine. Examining the UN’s legal and judicial reform efforts in Kosovo and East Timor, this volume argues that rather than helping to establish a sustainable legal system, the UN’s approach detracted from it, as it confused ends with means.

Which Way Latin America? Hemispheric Politics Meets Globalization

Edited by Andrew F. Cooper and Jorge Heine

At a time when a new administration in the United States is shifting gears in foreign policy, and the global crisis is leading many to question the very survival of capitalism as we have known it, Latin America is especially well-positioned to make the most of this new international conjuncture. This book provides a sharp, up-to-date analysis of the new sources of political power and allegiances in the region today.

Vulnerability in Developing Countries

Edited by Wim Naudé, Amelia U. Santos-Paulino and Mark McGillivray

Vulnerability has become the defining challenge of our times. More than one billion people worldwide live in extreme poverty. Facing risks exacerbated by natural hazards, ill-health and macroeconomic volatility, many are mired in inescapable poverty while millions others are on the brink of poverty. This volume brings together essays from leading scholars to study the critical dimensions of vulnerability in developing countries, including the relationship between poverty and vulnerability as well as vulnerability arising from ill-health and external shocks.

The United Nations and Nuclear Orders

Edited by Jane Boulden, Ramesh Thakur, and Thomas G. Weiss

Recent tensions surrounding the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran, as well as the shocking revelations of A.Q. Khan’s atomic bazaar, have drawn attention to the role of the United Nations in addressing a host of nuclear challenges. Yet the world organization’s role has largely been absent from both scholarly and policy research. The United Nations and Nuclear Orders fills this void by shedding light on the past, present, and future roles of the UN in responding to the threats and challenges posed by nuclear weapons.

Sexed Pistols: The Gendered Impacts of Small Arms and Light Weapons

Edited by Vanessa Farr, Henri Myrttinen and Albrecht Schnabel

Contributors to the book draw on experience and research from around the world on the nexus of gender, age, violence and small arms in developing and developed countries. Their findings feed into a number of recommendations for future policy formulation, programme implementation and research designed to further illuminate and counteract the firing of the “sexed pistol”.

Heads Up! Early Warning Systems for Climate, Water and Weather-Related Hazards

Edited by Michael H. Glantz

Heads Up! provides a useful review of early warning systems in operation today, while exploring a range of hazards including hurricanes, heat waves, floods, droughts, tsunami and volcanoes. With contributions from an international team of scientists, this practical handbook serves as a valuable contribution to our awareness and understanding of the role early warning systems play in disaster avoidance and reduction.

Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in the 21st Century

Edited by Sumihiro Kuyama and Michael Fowler

The term accountability is increasingly heard at the United Nations. More than six decades after the organization’s founding, people continue to ask exactly how the UN is accountable for what it does, and many agree that enhanced UN accountability is a prerequisite to effective global governance. Nevertheless, the concept is elusive and rarely defined, and views have diverged on its proper meaning and various implications. The contributors to this volume identify key issues, raise pertinent questions, and suggest useful reforms regarding accountability in the context of the United Nations system.


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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