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Edited by Mark McGillivray and Matthew Clarke

Understanding Human Well-being

Understanding Human Well-being

Understanding Human Well-being
Edited by Mark McGillivray and Matthew Clarke

ISBN 92-808-1130-4
ISBN 978-92-808-1130-8
342 pages; paper; US$37.00
November 2006

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

With more than a billion people living on less than one dollar per day, human well-being is a core issue for both researchers and policy-makers. The Millennium Development Goals are a powerful reminder of this point. We now know more about human well-being and the related concepts of poverty and inequality than ever before, as a result of many conceptual and methodological advances and better data. Yet despite this, the vitality of underlying concepts and the quality of data are repeatedly challenged and there remains much to be desired, particularly with regard to the world's poorest countries.

This book examines advances in underlying well-being, poverty, and inequality concepts and corresponding empirical applications and case studies. The authors examine traditional monetary concepts and measurements, and non-monetary factors including educational achievement, longevity, health, and subjective well-being.

"The [works] in question are remarkable not just for tackling difficult conceptual and methodological issues ..., but for their content, scope and coverage - which touch upon most, if not all, of the central topics and emerging issues in well-being research."

—Journal of Human Development vol. 9, no. 1 March 2008


Mark McGillivray is a Senior Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER in Helsinki and an Inaugural Fellow of the Human Development and Capabilities Association. Matthew Clarke is Program Leader, International Development School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning, RMIT University, Melbourne.

Contents Overview

Well-being measures and applications

Well-being case studies


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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