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Appendix 5. Qualitative questionnaire

I. Cultural activities

1. How much free time do you usually have during the busy and the slack farming seasons?

Busy season___ Slack season___

2. What do you usually do in your free time?

Busy season___
Slack season___

3. With whom do you share your free time?____

4. What kind of radio programme do you like best? Why?

Programme___ Reason___

5. What kind of television programme do you like best? Why?

Programme___ Reason___

6. Do you often read books, newspapers, or magazines?

Often___ Occasionally___ Rarely___

7. What kind of books, newspapers, or magazines are you most interested in? Why?

Kind___ Reason___

8. Do you want to have a chance to attend a professional training course?

Yes___ Don't care___ Have never thought about it___

9. What kind of training course would you like to attend?___

II. Work and occupation

1. What kind of work are you now engaged in?___

2. Are you satisfied with your job? Why, or why not?

Yes___ Don't know___ No___

3. What kind of job would you like to have? Why?

Job___ Reason___

4. Do you think that a woman should have her own occupation, or that she should just stay at home doing household chores and taking care of her children and husband? Why?

Have occupation___ Stay at home___ Both___

III. Family life

1. Do you think your household chores are heavy, not so heavy, or light?

Heavy___ Not so heavy___ Light___

2. In your opinion, who should do household chores such as cooking, washing, cleaning, looking after children, sewing, etc.? Why?

Chore___ Person___ Reason___
Chore___ Person___ Reason___
Chore___ Person___ Reason___

3. When you want to buy something for yourself, do you consult your parents/husband about it or not?

Yes___ No___ Depends on situation___

4. If your parents/husband don't/doesn't agree with you, what do you do?

Don't buy___ Buy___ Consult again___

5. When you are depressed about something, do you talk with your husband about it?

Yes___ No___ Depends on situation___

6. How does your husband respond?

Doesn't care___ Comforts you___ Blames you___

7. Do you often chat with your parents/husband?

Often___ Sometimes___ Rarely___

8. What kinds of topics do you often talk about?___

9. Please tell me how you feel about clothing. When you buy clothes, what kind do you prefer?

Reasonable in price and durable___ Ordinary style___
Cheap___ New style___ Colorful___ Fashionable___

10. When someone buys fashionable clothes, what do you think about it?

It's luxurious___ They are not good at housekeeping___
Their income is meeting their needs___
They are enjoying life___
It's necessary for the young___

11. What is your opinion on the use of make-up?

One should not use it too much___
It's natural and normal___
It's necessary since life is well-off___
Without it, one is looked down on by others___
It's not necessary; natural beauty is enough___

IV. Marriage

1. Who do you think should make the final decision about whom a girl should marry? Why?

Herself___ Consulting together___
Parents___ Other___

2. In your view, what is the most important consideration for a woman in choosing a partner? Why?___


3. How did the economic condition of your parents' home and your husband's home compare when you got married?

Parents' home was richer___ Not much difference___
Husband's home was richer___

4. Do you think it is necessary to have a bride-price or dowry when some one gets married? Why?

Bride-price: Yes___ No___ Don't know___
Dowry: Yes___ No___ Don't know___

5. If you answered yes to either part of the preceding question, who do you think should prepare the bride-price or dowry? Why?___


6. What do you think are the ideal ages for a man and woman to get married? Why?

Man's age___ Reason___
Woman's age___ Reason___

7. Should a husband be older or younger than his wife? Why?

Older___ The same___
Younger___ Doesn't matter___

8. When young people get married, do you think it is better for them to live by themselves or with the parents of one of them? Why?

By themselves___ With parents___

V. Fertility and expectations for children

1. In your opinion, after how many years of marriage should a women have her first child? Why?

Years___ Reason___

2. What do you think is the ideal number of children in a family? Why?

Boys___ Reason___
Girls___ Reason___

3. How much education do you think your son/daughter should have? Why?

Son___ Reason___
Daughter___ Reason___

4. What kind of occupation do you want your son/daughter to have when they grow up? Why?

Son___ Reason___
Daughter___ Reason___

5. When your son/daughter gets married, what kind of partner do you want for them? Why?

Son___ Reason___
Daughter___ Reason___

VI. Attitudes on divorce and remarriage

1. If a husband and wife cannot get along well, do you think they should divorce or not? Why?

Yes___ No___ Don't know___

2. If the relationship between husband and wife has been broken, do you think they should divorce? Why?

Yes___ No___ Don't know___

3. In general, do you think a divorced woman should try to remarry? Why?

Yes___ Depends on situation___
No___ Don't know___

4. Should a widow try to remarry? Why?

Yes___ Depends on situation___
No___ Don't know___

5. How long should a widow wait after her husband's death before marrying again? Why?

Time___ Reason__

VII. Old-age support (for the old-age cohort)

1. Do your children support you with food or money, or help you to do field work or household chores?__________________________

2. Are there improvements you would like to have in your life, such as in your housing, work, relationship with the younger generation, etc. ?__________________________

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