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Appendix 6. Time-allocation forms

Sequential time record

Respondent___ Village___ Team___  
Note-taker___ Day___ Month___ 1986
Time of day(o'clock) Activity
Hour Minute

Summary of time allocation

Name___ Sex___ Age___
Village___ Township___ County___

Time spent


Time spent





Daily life     Productive activities    
Eating     Farming    
Dressing     Raising livestock    
Sleeping     and poultry    
Resting     Making handicrafts    
Making beds     Working in enterprises    
Washing face     Commercial activities    
Taking a bath     Traveling to work    
Going to toilet     Other work    
Other     TOTAL    
TOTAL     Leisure time    
Household chores     Cultural activities    
Cooking     Studying    
Shopping     Listening to radio    
Washing dishes and clothes     Watching television    
Cleaning house and yard     Reading    
Child care     Visiting relatives and neighbors    
Educating children     Conversation    
Caring for aged and sick     Sports    
Other tasks     Other leisure activities    

Day___ Month___ Year___

Land reforms and economic and social changes since 1949 have had substantial impact on the lives of the rural population of China. This report examines some of the effects of these changes in the lives of women in two areas of the country with different levels of economic development - focusing on their education, occupations, marriage and family relations, and attitudes and outlook - and finds evidence both of real differences over time and of the persistence of older patterns.

The research involved the collection of data from 900 women, belonging to three age cohorts with different life experiences in relation to the changing economic and social situation, together with extensive informal interviews and discussions.

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from the All-China Women's Federation, with the cooperation of local women's federation members and women in the areas surveyed and the advice and support of the UNU Household, Gender, and Age Project, will be useful to gender analysts, policy makers and researchers dealing with rural development, and sociologists/anthropologists, as well as "China watchers."

ISBN-92-808-08 12-5
02800 P

The United Nations University
Tokyo, Japan

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