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Appendix 4. Life-history matrix

The life-history matrix form comprises a large chart or table set out with a horizontal row for each year of the subject's life and vertical columns in which to enter the relevant data under the following headings.

1. Year
2. Age or miscarriage
3. Residence

a. Category of area
b. Distance

4. Education

a. Beginning and end
b. Month
c. Years of education completed
d. Reasons for not entering or dropping out of school

5. Productive labour

a. Primary work
b. Distance
c. Occupation
d. Secondary work
e. Beginning and end
f. Occupation

6. Marriage and fertility

a. Marital status
b. Month of child's birth
c. Child's sex
d. Live birth, stillbirth, abortion
e. Duration of breast-feeding
f. Length of life
g. Cause of death

7. Family planning

a. Beginning and end
b. Contraceptive methods used

8. Family members

a. Mother
b. Father
c. Husband
d. Children
e. Parents-in-law
f. Siblings
g. Grandparents
h. Grandchildren
i. Daughter-in-law/son-in-law
j. Others

9. Family

a. Family size
b. Family structure

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