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Appendix 3. Quantitative questionnaire

I. Residence

1. When were you born? Month___ Year___

2. Where were you born?

Village___ Township___ County
City___ Province___

3. Have you ever changed your residence since you were born?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to section II)

4. Please tell me the year and the distance you moved each time you changed your residence.

From Village___ Township___ County___
to Village___ Township___ County___
Year___ Distance___ km

(10) *City
(20) County
(30) Township
(40) Village
(31) Township within 20 km
(41) Village within 10 km
(31) Township beyond 20 km
(42) Village beyond 10 km

II. Education

1. Have you ever gone to school?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to question 8)

2. At what age did you start going to school? ____years old

3. What was the highest grade you completed?

School category___ Grade___

(11 12 13 14 15 16) Elementary school, grades 1-6
(21 22 23) Junior middle school, grades 1-3
(31 32 33) Senior middle school, grades 1-3
(41 42 43) Polytechnic school, grades 1-3
(51 52 53 54) College or university, grades 1-4

* Figures in parentheses are codes to be marked as appropriate.

4. Why didn't you continue to study after completing that grade?

Because of___

(a) Family being short of money
(b) Family being short-handed
(c) Men being regarded as superior to women
(d) Illness
(e) Difficulty in studying
(f) Other reasons

5. Did you ever drop out of school for a time before completing that grade?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to question 11)

6. When and for how long did you drop out?

From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___

7. Why did you drop out? Because of___

(a-f) [As for question 4]

Skip to question 11

8. Why didn't you go to school? Because of___
(a-f) [As for question 4]

9. Have you ever attended a literacy class?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to question 11)

10. When and how long did you study in the literacy class?

From Month___ Year____ to Month___ Year___

(60) Less than 1 year
(61) About 1 year
(62) About 2 years

11. Have you ever attended a professional training class?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to question 14)

12. What kind of training class(es) have you attended?

(71) Planting
(72) Breeding
(73) Handicraft
(74) Industry or technology
(75) Culture, education, or health care
(76) Other

13. When and how long did you study in the training class(es)?

From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___
From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___

14. Have you taken any agro-technological course or correspondence course by radio or television?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to section III)

15. What kind of course did you take, and at what grade level?

Course___ Grade___

(81 82 83) Agro-technological course by radio, grades 1-3
(91 92 93) Correspondence course by radio or television, grades 1-3

16. When and how long did you take the course(s)?

From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___
From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___

III. Work and occupation

1. At what age did you start doing full-time work? ___years old

2. What were your primary job and your secondary job (if you had one) at that time?

Primary job___ Secondary job___

(a) Planting
(b) Breeding
(c) Handicraft
(d) Industry
(e) Commerce
(f) Culture, education, or health care
(g) Transportation
(h) Household chores
(i) Other

3. Have you ever changed your job since joining the labour force?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to question 5)

4. Please tell me the year of each change and what your new primary and secondary jobs were.

Year___ Primary___ Secondary
Year___ Primary___ Secondary
Year___ Primary___ Secondary

(a-i) [As for question 2]

5. What are your current primary and secondary jobs?

Primary___ Secondary___

(a-i) [As for question 2]

6. Have you ever stopped working after joining the labour force?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to section IV)

7. When and for how long did you stop working?

From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___
From Month___ Year ___to Month___ Year___

8. Why did you stop working? Because of___

(a) Breast-feeding
(b) Studying
(c) Illness
(d) Other

IV. Marriage and fertility

1. At what age did you get married? How old was your husband at that time?

Your age___ Husband's age___

2. Did you choose your husband by yourself or in consultation with your parents, or was he chosen for you by your parents or others?

Self___ Consulting together___
Parents___ Others___

3. How many children have you had? What were the year and month of their births, their sex, and the duration of breast-feeding? If any have died, how long did they live? Please include information on any abortions miscarriages.

Pregnancy order Birth month Birth year Sex Length of breast-feeding Birth status Length of life Cause of death


Length of breast-feeding Length of life
(a) Less than 6 months (a) Less than 6 months
(b) 6-12 months (b) 6-12 months
(c) More than 1 year (c) 1-5 years
  (d) More than 5 years
Birth status Cause of death
(a) Live birth (a) Disease
(b) Stillbirth (b) Starvation
(c) Abortion (c) Accident
(d) Miscarriage (d) Freezing
  (e) Other

4. (For widows) When did your (former) husband die, and how old were you at that time?

Year___ Age___

5. (For divorced women) When did you get divorced, and how old were you at that time?

Year___ Age___

6. (For remarried women) When did you remarry, and how old were you at that time?

Year___ Age___

7. (For remarried women) When you remarried, by whom was your husband chosen?

Self___ Consulting together___
Parents___ Others___

8. Have you used any contraceptive methods since getting married?

Yes___ No___ (If No, skip to section V)

9. What contraceptive methods have you used, and when and for how long did you use each method?

Method___ From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___
Method___ From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___
Method___ From Month___ Year___ to Month___ Year___

(a) Pill
(b) IUD
(c) Tubal ligation
(d) Vasectomy
(e) Safety period
(f) Other

V. Family structure and general questions

1. How many people were/are there in your family and who were/are they (1) when you were born, (2) before you married, (3) after you married, and (4) now? Please indicate all changes in the membership of your family.


Your age

Number in family

Family members

Family structure


(a) Mother
(b) Father
(c) Husband
(d) Children
(e) Parents-in-law
(f) Siblings
(g) Grandparents
(h) Grandchildren
(i) Daughter-in-law/son-in-law
(j) Others

2. Please give the following information about the current members of your family: sex, age, relationship to you, years of schooling, marital status, and occupation.

Sex Date of birth Relationship Schooling Marital status Occupation


(00) Illiterate
(60 61 62) Literacy classes [Codes as for section II, question 10]
(11-54) School [As for section II, question 3]
(81-93) Radio/television courses [As for section II, question 15]

Marital status

(a) Unmarried
(b) Married
(c) Divorced
(d) Widowed
(e) Separated
(f) Remarried


(a-i) [As for section III, question 2]

3. Who is the head of your family? ___

4. (For women not living with their parents) What are your father's and mother's highest education levels?

Father___ Mother___

5. What was your income in 1978 and in 1985?

1978___ yuan RMB 1985___ yuan RMB

6. What was your husband's income in 1978 and in 1985?

1978___ yuan RMB 1985___ yuan RMB

7. How often do you listen to the radio and watch television?

Radio___ Television___

(a) Every day
(b) 3-5 times a week
(c) Once or twice a week
(d) Rarely

8. Who had/has the final say in your family in the following matters: the purchase of expensive goods (such as a television set, sewing machine, wrist-watch, furniture), the purchase of daily necessities, the purchase of productive tools, and building a house (1) before your marriage, (2) within the first few years after marriage, (3) 10-15 years after marriage, (4) 30 years after marriage?

  Expensive goods Daily necessities Productive tools House building
Before marriage
1-3 years after
10-15 years after
30 years after

9. Did your husband help you with household tasks such as cooking, washing, cleaning, child care, and taking care of elderly family members before the implementation of the responsibility system in 1978? Does he now? If so, how often?

  Cooking Washing Cleaning Child care Care of elderly

(a) Very often
(b) Occasionally
(c) Rarely

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