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8.6. Faecal energy in cystic fibrosis

One example where the colonic fermentation of carbohydrate may be of importance both in the recovery of dietary energy and in reducing the energy losses associated with endogenous secretions, is cystic fibrosis (CF). We have studied a series of 16 children with CF on pancreatic replacement therapy and 20 healthy control children between 6 and 20 years of age. Gross and metabolizable energy intakes were estimated from 7-day records of weighed food intake using food composition tables and either heat of combustion values (MERRILL and WATT, 1973) or the modified Atwater factors (PAUL and SOUTHGATE, 1978). The faecal energy excretion was measured over 3 days. The microbial mass within the stool was determined according to the method of STEPHEN and CUMMINGS (1980). The results are summarised in Table 4.

Table 4. Studies were carried out in 16 children with cystic fibrosis, and 20 healthy controls between the ages of 6 and 20 years. Gross and metabolizable energy intakes were estimated from 7-day records of weighed food intake, using food composition tables and either heat of combustion values or the modified Atwater factors. The faecal energy excretion was measured over 3 days, and the microbial content of the stool was determined








(kJ/d) 1




















(kJ/d) 2




(g/d) 3




(kJ/d) 4




(kJ/d) 5



1 Assumes heat of combustion of dietary fibre = 17.5 kJ/g.

2 Energy content of pooled CF microbial mass = 23.8 kJ/g. Energy content of pooled control microbial mass = 20.4 kJ/g.

3 Assumes 0.1 mol ATP to synthesise 1 g of microbial mass and that 33 g hexose fermentation will generate 1 mol ATP.

4 Assumes 17.5 kJ/g hexose.

5 Total energy yield minus faecal microbial energy.

Gross energy intakes were comparable between both groups with the potential energy from dietary NSP contributing approximately 3 to 4% of the gross energy intake. However, in CF children the faecal energy losses were considerable, substantially reducing the available energy. Faecal mass was nearly 3 times greater in the CF group, with a corresponding increase in the microbial mass in the stool. The microbial mass accounted for approximately 35% and 25% of the dry mass of the stool in CF and controls respectively. This percentage is lower than that reported for adults by STEPHEN and CUMMINGS (1980) and may reflect the higher intake of non-digestible polysaccharides in their subjects.

In order to estimate the amount of energy within the microbial mass, a portion of the dried microbial mass from each sample was pooled for both CF and control subjects and the energy content was determined by bomb calorimetry. Using these values (approximately 20 to 25 kJ (4.8 to 6.0 kcal)/g dry microbial mass), the daily excretion of energy could be estimated. It is clear that both the total faecal energy and the energy within the microbial mass of the stool were substantially greater than the energy within the dietary NSP consumed by the CF subjects. This would imply that a substantial amount of substrate other than dietary NSP had been fermented. Using the same approach as McNEIL (1984), it was possible to estimate the carbohydrate fermented and the total energy yielded by that fermentation. Subtraction of the energy within the faecal microbial mass from this total energy yield provides a value for the amount of energy that may be made available through SCFA absorption. From these calculations it would appear that colonic fermentation may provide an additional 7.3% energy (range 3.0 to 12.5%) in the CF group compared to 2.4% in the control group (range 1.0 to 3.6%).

This interpretation indicates that the colonic fermentation of carbohydrate affords the opportunity to recover, at least in part, some of the energy from either unabsorbed starches and sugars or endogenous secretions that would otherwise be lost in the stool in children with cystic fibrosis.

9. Conclusions

It has been recommended that the requirements for energy be based upon determinations of energy expenditure. These measurements will give an indication of the metabolizable energy, but will not provide any information on the dynamic processes that result in that expenditure, nor the dietary intake that is required to satisfy that expenditure. The evidence would suggest that we are now in a position to ask more specific questions about the ways in which the body utilises energy and accomodates to changes in the available energy. Our work would suggest that the metabolic activity of the lower gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in this accommodation. The metabolic substrate available to the body cannot be simply measured as the dietary intake, nor even as the dietary intake minus urinary and faecal losses. The technology and techniques are available for the more refined study of the interaction of diet with metabolism. Exploration of these areas is likely to provide valuable new insights in the future.


We are grateful to those colleagues who have allowed us to quote from work that has not yet been published. The investigations described in this paper have been made possible by support from: Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust, The Hedley Foundation, Nestle Nutrition Research Grant Programme, The Rank Prize Funds, The Rank Foundation, The Wellcome Trust and The Wessex Medical School Trust.


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