UNU/UNESCO International Conference:
Globalization 2007
Programme for Day 2
(August 30, U Thant Hall, UN House, Tokyo)

(160 KB PDF)
Background Paper
by Hans d'Orville, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning, UNESCO
Workshops: "Globalization and Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities"
Opening Plenary Session
Opening remarks and clarification of the workshop structure, objective and aims.
Co-Chairs: Hans van Ginkel, Rector, UNU and Hans d'Orville, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning, UNESCO
Parallel Workshop Sessions
Presenters will introduce the salient issues in each of the workshops; presentations will be followed by comments and discussions. The afternoon meetings are reserved for discussions to identify points of view, suggestions and recommendations. These can be further elaborated in the future and could contribute to the World Conference on Higher Education + 10 and the World Conference on Science + 10 process, among others.
Papers and presentations delivered by workshop participants have been combined into single PDF documents and can be found in the "Workshop Documents" list for each workshop.
Research for Innovation and Human and Social Development
(Location: 12F Meeting Room)
Chair: A.H. Zakri, Director, UNU Institute of Advanced Studies
Coordinator: Balakrishna Pisupati, Research Fellow and Team Leader of Biodiplomacy Programme, UNU-IAS
Rapporteurs: Wendy Elliot, Junior Professional, UNU-IAS
- Hebe Vessuri, Senior Researcher and Head, Department of Science Studies, IVIC, Venezuela and Vice-Chair, Council of UNU
- Luc Soete, Director, UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology
- Shinichi Yamamoto, Director and Professor, Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University
- Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, President, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Mohamed H.A. Hassan, Executive Director, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
- Mary-Louise Kearney, Director of the Secretariat of the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge
Education for Democracy, Dialogue and Peace
(Location: 2F Reception Hall)
Chair: Yozo Yokota, Special Adviser to the Rector, UNU
Coordinator: Vesselin Popovski, Senior Academic Programme Officer, Director of Studies on International Order and Justice
Rapporteur: Morten B. Pedersen, JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellow
- Emile Rwamasirabo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Republic of Rwanda
- Kazuo Takahashi, Visiting Professor, UNU
- Deepika Udagama, Head, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Gabriela Warkentin de la Mora, Director of the Department of Communication and UNESCO Chair in Communication, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico
Intercultural Leadership and Change
(Location: 1F GEIC Exhibition Room)
Chair: Jairam Reddy, Director, United Nations University International Leadership Institute
Rapporteur: Nicholas Turner, Research Assistant, Peace and Governance Programme, UNU
- Ingrid Moses, Chancellor, University of Canberra and former Chair, Council of UNU
- Pornchai Mongkhonvanit, President, International Association of University Presidents and President of Siam University
- Mona Taji, Higher Education Specialist, Higher Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy Project
- Andrei Marga, Professor of Contemporary Philosophy and Logic, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania, Member, Council of UNU
- Salah Hannachi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Republic of Tunisia, Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps
Education for Sustainable Development
(Location: 5F Rose Hall)
Chair: Maria C.E. (Rietje) van Dam-Mieras, Chair, Natural Sciences , Open University of The Netherlands, Visiting Professor at UNU on Education for Sustainable Development
Coordinator: Katsunori Suzuki, Senior Visiting Fellow, UNU-IAS and Yoshihiro Natori, Senior Fellow, UNU-IAS
Rapporteur: Yoko Mochizuki, ESD Specialist, UNU-IAS and David Mutekanga, JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellow
- Carl Lindberg, Former State Secretary, Ministry of Education and Science, Sweden
- Dzulkifli Bin Abdul Razak, Vice Chancellor, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Ryokichi Hirono, Professor Emeritus, Seikei University
- Eun-kyung Park, Director, RCE of Yonsei University
- Antoni Giró i Roca, Rector, Technical University of Catalonia and President, Global University Network for Innovation
- Antonio Augusto Dos Santos Soares, Manager, Distance Education Programme for Sustainable Development, Banco do Brasil
- Charles Hopkins, UNU-Chair, UNESCO Chair Professor, York University
Access and Success
(Location: 5F Committee Room No. 1)
Chair: Eva Egron-Polak, Secretary-General, International Association of Universities
Coordinator and Rapporteur: Christina Lloyd, Head of Teaching and Learner Support, Student Services, The Open University, UK
- Goolam Mohamedbhai, President, International Association of Universities
- Mala Singh, Executive Director, Higher Education Quality Committee of the Council on Higher Education, Pretoria, South Africa and Vice Chair of the Regional Scientific Committee for Africa, UNESCO
- Paulo Speller, Political Scientist, Rector, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá
- Masafumi Nagao, Professor, Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University
(Location: Media Studio)
Chair: Norman H. Okamura, Telecommunication Specialist, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii
Coordinator & Presenter: Brendan Barrett, Head of UNU-Online Learning and co-founder of the Media Studio, UNU
Rapporteur: Andreina Lairet, eCourse Producer, Media Studio, UNU
- Hideyuki Tokuda, Chairperson/Professor, Faculty of Environmental Information, and the Graduate School of Media & Governance, Keio University
- Peter F. Haddawy, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Asian Institute of Technology
- Derek Keats, Executive Director, Information and Communication Services, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
- David Wiley, Director, The Center for Open and Sustainable Learning
Lunch Break
Parallel Workshops Sessions
Discussions continued: Policy Recommendations
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
Co-Chairs: Hans van Ginkel, Rector, UNU and Hans d'Orville, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning, UNESCO
- Reports of the working groups
- Discussion of conclusions
Page last modified 2019.04.16.