UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 12: October - November 2001

Seminar to focus on next stage
of climate change negotiations

UN University and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have launched an annual series of seminars and workshops to provide delegates in New York with skills and understanding of sustainable development issues, particularly the linkages between policy and practice.

The first seminar, to be held October 17, will review the policy dimensions of the climate change debate as it relates to the agenda of the Seventh Conference of Parties (COP7). The seminar will consist of lectures and analytical discussions focusing on:

  • An overview of the deal made at COP6 and issues left unresolved;

  • How did sinks factor into the deal made at COP6 and what issues are left unresolved for COP7?; 

  • What are the key concerns for developing country concerns at COP7;

  • What will be the compliance and enforcement system developed for the Kyoto Protocol?

Featured speakers at the seminar will include Kevin Gurney, research associate in the atmospheric science department of Colorado State University, who will give a presentation on the sequestration of carbon. Mr. Mohammad Reza Salamat, a member of Iran's UN Mission, will discuss developing country positions and concerns for COP7.

Members of permanent missions who wish to participate in the workshop should contact Ms Cecelia Coleman of UNITAR, tel 212-963-9684/9196.

Download the draft programme (MS Word)


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