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Other titles of interest

The Fragile Tropics of Latin America
Changing Environments and Sustainable Management
Edited by Toshie Nishizawa and Juha I. Uitto

This book addresses the dilemma confronting Latin American counties of desiring to utilize their tropical resources to improve the living standard of their citizens on the one hand, while, on the other, dealing with a growing concern about the ecological fragility of such regions and the realization of the urgent need for sustainable alternatives to prevailing models of economic development.

ISBN 92-808-0877-X
US$35; airmail US$40
Developing county price: US$ 17.50

Managing Water for Peace in the Middle East
Alternative Strategies
By Masahiro Murakami

This volume offers some non-conventional approaches to resolving water resource issues in the Middle East. It outlines a plan for joint basin development of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea and a workable sharing arrangement of a critical resource. The volume draws on studies involving Kuwait, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, and Israel.

ISBN 92-808-0858-3
US$50; airmail US$55
Developing country price: US$25

South-East Asia's Environmental Future
The Search for Sustainability
Edited by Harold Brookfield and Yvonne Byron

This book considers the constraints and possible solutions to achieving improved environmental management in the region and examines the policy options available to planners and development practitioners.

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US$40; airmail US$47
Developing county price: US$20

Misuse of the soil and inappropriate agricultural systems are causing serious degradation of the humid tropical eco-region and perpetuating food shortages, malnutrition, and poor standards of living.

What is needed are sustainable agricultural systems that can satisfy human needs while maintaining soil fertility and the integrity of the environment. This publication makes available research information on scientifically proven methods of deforestation for conversion to agricultural land use, and soil and crop management systems that allow for the sustained use of soil and water resources in the humid tropics. The reader will find numerous examples of appropriate techniques with explanations of their impacts on production, soil quality, and the environment. Information is provided on the characteristics of an improved farming system; new land development; run-off management and erosion control nutrient management; and, in the final section, research and development priorities are outlined.

This compendium will be of particular use and interest to planners, practitioners, extension agents and others involved in humid tropical soil resource management.

Dr. Rattan Lal is Professor of Soil Science in the School of Natural Resources at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Prior to joining Ohio State in 1987, he served as a scientist for 18 years at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. Professor Lal is a Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, and the Third World Academy of Sciences. He is recipient of both the International Soil Science Award and the Soil Science Applied Research Award of the Soil Science Society of America. He received the Distinguished Scholar Award of the Ohio State University in 1994.

ISBN 92-808-0876-1
03500 P

United Nations
University Press


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