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UNU programme on food and nutrition for human and social development

Programme Coordinating Office

Charles Street Station, P.O. Box 500
Boston, MA 02114-0500, USA
Telephone: (617) 227-8747. Fax: (617) 227-9405
Telex: 650 3978146 MCI uw. E-mail: UNU@INF.UNU.EDU
Programme Director: Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw
Programme Assistant: Ms. Edwina B. Murray

At the UNU Centre Tokyo:
Training and Fellowship Officer: Dr. Abraham Besrat


Associated institutions

CENTRAL FOOD TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (CFTRI). Mysore 570013, India. Tel. 22298. Cable: UNVERCENT MYSORE. Telex: 0846-241 FTRI IN. Coordinator: Dr. D. Rajagopal Rao

DEPARTMENT OF NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF GHANA (DNFS). P.O. Box 134, Legon, Ghana. Tel. 233 27 553090. Fax: 233 21 774880. Telex: 2446 UGL GH. Coordinator: Dr. Samuel Sefa-Dedeh

INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY (IATA). Jaime Roig 11, Valencia 10, Spain. Tel. 369-08-00. Cable: IATA. Valencia 10, Spain. Coordinator: Dr. Salvador Barber

INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION, MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY (INMU). Salaya Campus, c/o Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Rama Vl Road, Bangkok 4, Thailand. Tel. 282-6435. Coordinator: Dr. Kraisid Tontisirin

INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY (INTA). University of Chile, Casilla 15138, Santiago 11, Chile. Tel. 214105, 214030. Cable: INTA CHILE. Coordinator: Dr. Ricardo Uauy

INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION OF CENTRAL AMERICA AND PANAMA (INCAP). Carretera Roosevelt, Zona 11, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Tel. 43762. Cable: INCAP GUATEMALA. Coordinator: Dr. Hernán Delgado

KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST). P.O. Box 131, Cheongryang, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Tel. (967) 8801. Cable: KISTROK Telex: KISTROK K 27380. Coordinator: Dr. Tai-Wan Kwon

LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE (LSHTM). Keppel Street (Gower Street), London WC1E 7HT, UK. Tel. 01-636 8636.

NATIONAL FOOD RESEARCH INSTITUTE (NFRI). 2-12 Kannondai, Yatabe-machi, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaraki-ken 300-21, Japan. Tel. 02875-6-8011. Coordinator: Dr. Keiji Umeda

NETHERLANDS INTERNATIONAL NUTRITION INSTITUTE (NINI). Lawickse Allee 11, P.O. Box 88, 6700 AB, Wageningen, Netherlands. Tel. (08370) 19040. Coordinator: Dr. Joseph Hautvast

NUTRITION CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES (NCP). Nutrition Center of the Philippines Bldg., South Super Highway, Nichols Interchange, Makati, Metro Manila 3116, Philippines. Tel. 85-30-71 to -79. Cable: NUTRICEN MANILA. Coordinator: Dr. Mercedes de Solon

UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI (UNK). Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Kabete Campus, P.O. Box 41670, Nairobi, Kenya. Coordinator: Dr. A. A. Kielmann

UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO (USP). School of Public Health, Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, São Paulo, S.P., Brazil. Coordinator: Dr. Ruy Laurenti

UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES (UWI). St. Augustine Campus: Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Crop Science, St. Augustine, Trinidad. Tel. 662-7171. Cable: STOMATA PORT OF SPAIN. Resident Coordinator: Dr. Lloyd Rankine. Mona Campus: Tropical Metabolism Research Unit, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica. Tel. 927-6661. Cable: UNIVERS JAMAICA. Contact: Dr. Michael Golden


Other cooperating organizations

Centro de Estudios sobre Nutrición Infantil (CESNI), Buenos Aires, Argentina (Dr. Alejandro O'Donnell)

State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas, Brazil
University of Sao Paulo. Ribeirao Prêto, Brazil (Dr. Jose Dutra de Oliveira)


Center for Studies of Sensory Impairment, Aging and Metabolism (CeSSIAM), Guatemala City, Guatemala (Dr. Noel W. Solomons)

National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India (Dr. M. Mohanram)

Center of Regional Problems of Nutrition, Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Alma Ata (Dr. Sharmanov Turegeldy)

Korea Food Research Institute (KFRI), 148-1 Dangsu, Bagwol, Hwaseong, Kyonggi, Korea 445-820 (Dr. Chung Yun Park)

Department of Human Nutrition, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands (Dr. P. Middelburg)
Department Tropical Nutrition, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Prof. J. Kusin)
Division for Nutrition and Food Research, TNO, Zeist, Netherlands (Prof. B. Krol)
International Course in Food Science and Nutrition (ICFSN), Wageningen, Netherlands (Dr. M. L. J. Mertens)
Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Cooperation (NUFFIC), The Hague, Netherlands (Dr. C. W. Klugkist)

Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Manila, Philippines (Dr. Rodolfo Florentino)
University of the Philippines at Los Baños, Los Baños, Philippines (Dr. Cora Barbera)


Instituto de Nutrición, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificos de España, Madrid, Spain (Dr. Gregorio Varela)

United Kingdom
Agricultural Research Council, Food Research Institute, Norwich, UK
Department of Food Science, University of Reading, Reading, UK (Dr. Harry Nursten)
Food Research Institute, Norwich, UK (Dr. David South-gate)
Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

United States
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass., USA (Dr. Peter Pellett)
Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., USA (Dr. C. Garza)
Program in International Nutrition, University of California, Davis, Calif, USA (Dr. Lindsay Allen)
School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., USA (Dr. Benjamin Caballero)
School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles. Calif. USA (Dr. Snehendu B. Kar)
Tufts University School of Nutrition, Medford, Mass., USA (Dr. Beatrice Rogers)
USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging, Boston, Mass, USA (Dr. Irwin Rosenberg)

West Indies
Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI), Kingston, Jamaica (Dr. A. W. Patterson)

International organization
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., USA

International scientific unions
International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST)
International Union of Nutrition Sciences (IUNS)

The United Nations system
The UNU Programme on Food and Nutrition for Human and Social Development cooperates with the appropriate units or divisions of the following organizations, among others:

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
World Bank (IBRD)
World Food Programme (WFP)
World Health Organization (WHO)

The University is represented on the Sub-committee on Nutrition (SCN) of the United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination.


Research networks

Chronic energy deficiency

International Dietary Energy Consultative Group (IDECG). Secretariat: Nestlé Foundation, 4 Place de la Gare, Lausanne, Switzerland. Executive Secretary: Dr. Beat Shürch. Tel. 4121 320 3351. Fax: 4121 320 3392. Executive committee: Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw, Chairman; Dr. Joseph Hautvast, Dr. Beat Shürch

Division of Nutrition, National Institute of Nutrition, Calle Vasco de Quiroga No. 15 Col. y Deleg. Tlalpan, 14000 Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Principal investigator: Dr. Hector Bourges

Ethiopian Nutrition Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Principal investigator: Dr. Teshome Demeke

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, 29 Nan Wei Road, Beijing 100050, China. Principal investigator: Dr. Chen Xue-Cun

Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 15138, Santiago 11, Chile. Principal investigator: Dr. Ricardo Uauy

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Principal investigator: Dr. Vernon R. Young

Medical College in Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA. Principal investigator: Dr. Gerald B. Spurr

National Institute of Nutrition, Via Ardeatina 546, Rome, Italy. Principal investigator: Dr. Anna Ferro-Luzzi

Nutrition Research and Development Centre, Komplek GIZI, Jalan Semboja, Bogor, Indonesia. Principal investigator: Dr. Darwin Karyadi

Nutrition Research Centre, St. John's Medical College, Bangalore 560 034, India. Principal investigator: Dr. Anura V. Kurpad

Universidad del Valle, Departamento de Pediatría, Facultad de Medicinal Apartado Aéreo 2188, Cali, Colombia. Principal investigator: Dr. Julio C. Reina

University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK. Principal investigator: Dr. John Durnin

University of the West Indies, Kingston 7, Jamaica. Principal investigator: Dr. Sally McGregor


Iron-deficiency anaemia

Group for the Control of Iron Deficiency (GCID). Secretariat: Department of Nutrition Sciences, 119 Morgan Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94270, USA. Tel. (510) 642-6900. Executive Secretary: Dr. Fernando Viteri. Chairman: Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw.

Beijing Medical College-UNICEF, Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Beijing, China. Principal investigator: Dr. Shiu-yun Liu

Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, Kingston, Jamaica. Principal investigator: Dr. A. W. Patterson

Ecole Nationale de Médecine et de Pharmacie du Mali, Service Hématologie, Bamako, Mali. Principal investigator: Dr. Dapa Diallo

Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. Principal investigator: Dr. Rodolfo Florentino

Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Principal investigator: Dr. T. E. Siong

Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University (INMU), Salaya Campus, c/o Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Rama Vl Road, Bangkok 4, Thailand. Principal investigator: Dr. Kraisid Tontisirin

Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile, Casilla 15138, Santiago 11. Chile. Principal investigator: Dr. Tomas Walter

Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), Carretera Roosevelt, Zona 11, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Principal investigator: Dr. Benjamin Torún

Laboratory of Iron Deficiency Study (LIDS), Department of Pediatrics, First Clinical College, Beijing Medical University, West City, Beijing 100034, China. Principal investigator: Dr. Chen-Ting Chin

National Institute of Nutrition, Cairo, Egypt. Principal investigator: Dr. Mohammed A. Hussein

National Institute of Nutrition, ICMR, Hyderabad, India. Principal investigator: Dr. Vinodini Reddy

National Research Centre, National Academy of Sciences, Cairo, Egypt. Principal investigator: Dr. Sohair Salem

Nutrition Research and Development Centre, Komplek GIZI, Jalan Semboja, Bogor, Indonesia. Principal investigator: Dr. Darwin Karyadi

Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Principal investigator: Dr. F. P. Kavishe

Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC), Apartado 1827, Caracas, Venezuela. Principle investigator: Dr. Miguel Layrisse


Rapid assessment procedures for nutrition and primary health care-Anthropological approaches to Improving programme effectiveness

Secretariat: UNU Boston Programme Office, Charles St. Sta., P.O. Box 500, Boston, MA 02114-0500, USA. Tel. (617) 227-8747; fax (617) 227-9405; telex 650 3978146 MCI UW; e-mail UNUCPO@'NF.UNU.EDU. Programme coordinator: Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw

Cooperating investigators and advisers:

Dr. Simi Afonia, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Dr. Margaret Bentley, Johns Hopkins University, 615 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, MD 21205, USA

Dr. Michael Cernea. Sociology Advisor, World Bank, 1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA

Dr. Robert Chambers, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 SIRE, England

Jasmina Estupinan, Psiconsult, Apdo. Postal 148C, Batan 124 y Eloy Alfaro, Quito, Ecuador

Dr. Peter Heywood. World Bank, 1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA

Dr. Pamela Hunte, UNDP, Islamabad, Pakistan

Lic.. Elena Hurtado, Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama, P.O. Box 1188, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Dr. Susi Kessler, Evaluation Division. UNICEF:USA, 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA

Dr. Yongyout Kachondham, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, c/o Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Rama Vl Rd., Bangkok 4, Thailand

Dr. Christine Lamba, Centre for Social Research and Chancellor College, University of Malawi, Box 278 Zomba, Malawi

Dr. Sandra Lane, University of California, San Francisco, Calif., USA

Dr. María de la Luz Alvarez, Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnologia de los Alimentos, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 15138, Santiago 11, Chile

Dr. Lenore Manderson, Tropical Health Program, University of Queensland Medical School, Brisbane, Queensland 4006, Australia

Asha Mohamud, Deputy Director, FH/FP Unit, Ministry of Health P.O. Box 1750, Mogadisho, Somalia

Dra. Clarice Mota, Instituo de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Largo de São Francisco, 1/4 Andar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dr. David O. Nyamwaya, Institute of African Studies, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. A. W. Patterson, Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, P.O. Box 140, Kingston 17, Jamaica

Dr. Gretel Pelto, Nutrition Division, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Dr. D. Raghunandan, Society for Economic and Social Studies, B-1 2nd floor LSC, J Block, Saket, New Delhi 110 017, India

Dr. Kong-Kyun Ro, Department of Management Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 131, Cheongryang, Seoul, Korea

Prof. María E. Romero, Universidad Javeriana, Bogatá, Colombia

Dr. Susan C. M. Scrimshaw, School of Public Health, University of Illinois, Chicago, 111., USA

Dr. Vijaya Shrestha, Box 3067, Kathmandu, Nepal

Dr. Ngokwey Ndolamb, UNICEF, Dakar, Senegal


International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS)

Secretariat: Charles St. Sta., P.O. Box 500, Boston, MA 02114-0500, USA. Tel. (617) 227-8747; fax (617) 2279405; telex 650 3978146 MCI UW; e-mail UNUCPO@INF.UNU.EDU. Consultant director: Dr. John C. Klensin. Managing director: Dr. Barbara Burlingame, DSIR, Palmerston North, New Zealand; tel. (063) 68019; fax (063) 61130; e-mail BURLINGAMEB%PNCRI3@PNCRI- 1.PALM.CRI. NZ


Regional liaison groups:

AFROFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Lilian Marovatsanga, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe

ARABFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Raja Tannous, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon

ASEANFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Aree Valyasevi, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. National coordinators: Dr. Prapasri Puwastien, INMU, Bangkok, Thailand; Dr. Tee E. Siong, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Dr. Aida Aguinaldo, Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Manila, Philippines

EUROFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Clive West, Department of Human Nutrition, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands

LATINFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Ricardo Bressani, Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama. Guatemala City, Guatemala

MENAFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Mohamed Amr Hussein, Director, Nutrition Institute, Cairo, Egypt

NORDICFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Åke Bruce, Swedish National Food Administration, Uppsala, Sweden

OCEANIAFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Barbara Burlingame, DSIR, Private Bag, Palmerston North, New Zealand

SOUTHASIAFOODS. Coordinator: Dr. Mushtaq A. Khan, Nutrition Section, Planning Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan



Note for contributors

The editors of the Food and Nutrition Bulletin welcome contributions of relevance to its concerns (see the statement of editorial policy on the inside of the front cover). Submission of an article does not guarantee publication-which depends on the judgement of the editors as to its relevance and quality. Contributors should review recent issues of the Bulletin for content and style.

Language. Contributions may be in English. French. Or Spanish. If French or Spanish is used. the author should submit an abstract in English if possible.

Format. Manuscripts should be typed. double-spaced. with ample margins. Only an original typed copy or a photocopy of equivalent quality should be submitted: photocopies on thin or shiny paper are not acceptable.

When a manuscript has been prepared on a word processor, it will he appreciated if a floppy disk. either 3 1/2 - inch or 5 1/4 - inch, can be included with the manuscript. with an indication of the disk format and the word-processing program used.

Length. Ordinarily contributions should not exceed 4,000 words.

Abstract. An abstract of not more that 150 words should he included with the manuscript. The abstract should state the purposes of the study or investigation. basic procedures (study subjects or experimental animals and observational and analytical methods). main findings (give specific data and their statistical significance if possible), and the principal conclusions. Emphasize new and important aspects of the study or observations. Do not cite references or use abbreviations or acronyms in the abstract.

Tables and figures. Tables and figures should be on separate pages. Tables should be typed double-spaced. Submit only original figures. original line drawings in India ink. or glossy photographs. Labels on the figures should be typed or professionally lettered or printed. not handwritten.

Photographs. Ideally photographic materials should be submitted in the form of black and white negatives or black and white glossy prints. Photographs will not he returned unless a specific request is made.

Units of measurement. Preferably all measurements should be expressed in metric units. If other units are used, their metric equivalents should be indicated.

References. References should be listed at the end of the article, also double-spaced. Unpublished papers should not be listed in references. nor should papers submitted for publication hut not yet accepted.

Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in the text and in tables and figure legends by arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets. References cited only in

tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the first mention of the relevant table or figure in the text. Be sure references are complete.

Reference citations should follow the format illustrated below.

Journal reference

-standard journal article (list all authors):
1. Alvarez ML, Mikasic D, Ottenberger A, Salazar ME. Características de familias urbanas con lactante desnutrido: un análisis crítico. Arch Latinoam Nutr 1979;29:220-3().

-corporate author:
2. Committee on Enzymes of the Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Physiology. Recommended method for the determination of gammaglutamyltransferase in blood. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1976;36:1 19-25.

Book or other monograph reference

-personal author(s):
3. Brozek J. Malnutrition and human behavior: experimental, clinical and community studies. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.

-corporate author:
4. American Medical Association, Department of Drugs. AMA drug evaluations. 3rd ed. Littleton. Mass, USA: Publishing Sciences Group, 1977.

-editor, compiler, chairman as author:
5. Medioni J. Boesinger E. eds. Mécanismes éthologiques de l'évolution. Paris: Masson. 1977.

-chapter in book:
6. Barnett HG. Compatibility and compartmentalization in cultural change. In: Desai AR. ed. Essays on modernization of underdeveloped societies. Bombay: Thacker, 1971.

Identification. Contributors should give their full name and highest degree. the name of departments and institutions to which the work should he attributed, the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript, and sources of support for the work. If the material in the article has been previously presented or is planned to be published elsewhere-in the same or modified form-a note should be included giving the details.

Manuscript copies. The contributor should keep a duplicate copy of the manuscript. Manuscripts will not be returned unless specifically requested. Proofs will be sent to the authors only in exceptional circumstances.

Contributions should be addressed to:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA



Note à l'intention des auteurs

La rédaction du Food and Nutrition Bulletin recherche des articles traitant de sujets correspondant à ses thèmes (voir au vérso de la couverture la politique éditoriale de cette revue). La remise d'un manuscrit ne signifie pas sa publication, qui dépend de l'opinion de la rédaction sur son intérêt et sa qualité. Les auteurs sont invités à se pencher sur les récents numéros du Bulletin pour prendre connaissance de son contenu et de son style.

Langues. Les manuscrits peuvent être rédigés en anglais, en français ou en espagnol, et dan ces deux derniers cas, l'auteur ajoutera. si possible, un résumé en anglais.

Format. Les manuscrits doivent être dactylographiés, en double interligne. avec une marge suffisante. Ne doit être présenté qu'un exemplaire original dactylographié ou une photocopie de qualité équivalente.

Lorsqu'un manuscrit a été préparé sur un appareil de traitement de texte, un disque ou de 3.5() ou de 5.25 pouces devrait dans toute la mesure possible y être joint en précisant son format et le programme utilisé.

Longueur. Les manuscrits ne dovient pas. ordinairement, dépasser 4,000 mots.

Résumé. Un résumé de 150 mots maximum doit accompagner le manuscrit. Il devra donner les buts de l'étude ou des recherches, les procédures de base (sujets de l'étude ou animaux expérimentaux et méthodes d'observation et d'analyse), les principaux résultats (fournir des données spécifiques et indiquer dans la mesure du possible leur importance statistique) ainsi que les principales conclusions. Veuillez mettre en relief les aspects nouveaux et importants de l'étude ou des observations. Dans le résumé, ne citez aucun ouvrage de référence et n'utilisez ni abréviations ni sigles.

Tableaux et figures. Ils doivent être reportés sur des feuillets séparés. Les tableaux doivent être dactylographiée en double interligne. Veuillez soumettre uniquement des figures originales, des dessins à l'encre de Chine ou des photographies tirées sur papier glacé. Les labels qui apparaissent sur les figures doivent être dactylographiés ou gravés ou imprimés de manière professionnelle et non pas écrits à la main.

Photographies. En principe, les matériaux photographiques doivent être remis sous forme de négatifs noir et blanc ou d'épreuves noir et blanc sur papier brillant. Sauf demande expresse les photographies ne seront pas renvoyées.

Unités de mesure. On utilisera de préférence le système métrique. Si d'autres systèmes sont utilisés, l'équivalant métrique doit être indiqué.

Références. Les références doivent apparaître à la fin de l'article, en double interligne également. Les documents non publiés ne doivent pas figurer dans les références pas davantage que les documents présentés à des fins de publication mais qui n'ont pas encore été acceptés.

Veuillez numéroter les références dans l'ordre où elles sont mentionnées dans le texte. Identifiez au moyen d'un chiffre arabe placé entre crochets les références dan le texte, les tableaux et les légendes des figures. Les références cités uniquement dans les tableaux ou les légendes des figures doivent être numérotées en fonction de la première fois où il est fait mention du tableau ou de la figure approprié dans le texte. Assurez-vous que les références sont complètes.

Les références citées doivent suivre le format décrit ci-dessous.


-article de journal type (énumérer tous les auteurs):
1. Alvarez ML, Mikasic D. Ottenberger A. Salazar ME. Características de familias urbanas con lactante desnutrido: un análisis crítico. Arch Latinoam Nutr 1979;29:220-30.

-auteur d'une société:
2. Committee on Enzymes of the Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Physiology. Recommended method for the determination of gammaglutamyltransferase in blood. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1976:36:119-25.

Livre ou autre monographie

-auteur(s) à titre personnel:
3. Brozek J. Malnutrition and human behavior: expérimental, clinical and community studies. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985..

-auteur d'une société:
4. American Medical Association, Department of Drugs. AMA drug evaluations. 3e éd. Littleton, Mass. (E.U.): Publishing Sciences Group, 1977.

-éditeur, compilateur, président en tant qu'auteur:
5. Medioni J, Boesinger E, éds. Mécanismes éthologiques de l'évolution. Paris: Masson, 1977.

-chapitre d'un ouvrage:
6. Barnett HG. Compatibility and compartmentalization in cultural change. Dans: Desai AR. éd. Essays on modernization of underdeveloped societies. Bombay: Thacker, 1971.

Identification. Les auteurs doivent indiquer leur nom complet et leur principal diplôme, le nom des départements et des institutions auxquels le travail doit être attribué, le nom et l'adresse de l'auteur chargé de la correspondance sur le manuscrit ainsi que les sources de financement du travail. Si l'article a déjà été remis auparavant ou est retenu pour une autre publication-sous la même forme ou sous une forme modifiée-on l'indiquera de façon détaillée.

Copies du manuscrit. L'auteur doit conserver un double. Les manuscrits ne seront pas retournés à moins que leurs auteurs n'en fassent expressément la demande. Les épreuves seront envoyées aux auteurs dans des circonstances exceptionnelles seulement.

Les auteurs s'adresseront à:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA



Nota para posibles autores

Los editores del Food and Nutrition Bulletin agradecen el envío de contribuciones pertinentes al tema de la revista (vea la política editorial de esta revista en el interior de la tapa anterior). La presentación de un articulo no es garantía de su publicación. la cual dependerá del criterio de los editores en lo que respecta a su pertinencia y calidad. Se ruega a los que deseen colaborar que consulten los números recientes de Food and Nutrition Bulletin para cerciorarse de su contenido y estilo.

Idioma. Las contribuciones podrán remitirse en español, francés o inglés. En caso de utilizar español o francés, el autor deberá incluir. de ser posible, un resumen en inglés.

Formato. Los manuscritos deberán presentarse mecanografiadas, a doble espacio, con márgenes amplios. Solamente se presentarán originales mecanografiados o una fotocopia de los mismos de calidad equivalente. No se admitirán fotocopias en papel fino o satinado.

Si ha preparado cl manuscrito con máquina de tratamiento de textos, agradeceremos nos envíe junto al manuscrito una copia del disco floppy bien en 31/2 pulgadas, bien en 51/4 pulgadas, indicando el formato del disco y el programa de tratamiento de textos que ha utilizado.

Longitud. Las contribuciones ordinarias no deberán exceder las 4.000 palabras.

Resúmenes. Se adjuntará al manuscrito un resumen que no exceda de 150 palabras. El resumen indicará cl objetivo del estudio o investigación, métodos básicos (individuos, animales seleccionados en experimentos y métodos de observación y análisis). descubrimientos principales (si fuera posible aportando datos específicos y su significado estadístico), y las conclusiones principales. Se enfatizarán los aspectos nuevos e importantes del estudio u observaciones. En el resumen no se citarán referencias ni se usarán abreviaturas ni siglas.

Cuadros y figuras. Todos los cuadros y figuras deberán presentarse en hojas de papel por separado. Los cuadros se mecanografiarán a doble espacio. Se presentarán solamente figuras originales. esquemas originales en tinta china o fotografías en papel brillo. Los nombres de las figuras estarán mecanografiados o impresos o rotulados profesionalmente, y no manuscritos.

Fotografías. El material fotográfico se presentará preferentemente en blanco y negro. en negativos o en impresión sobre papel brillante. No se devolverá este material fotográfico a no ser que así lo solicite el remitente.

Unidades de medida. Se utilizará preferentemente el sistema métrico decimal. De utilizarse otras unidades, deberán indicarse sus equivalentes en el sistema métrico decimal.

Referencias. Al final del articulo deberán consignarse las referencias, también en doble espacio. En las referencias no se consignarán documentos que no se hayan publicado. ni aquellos que hayan solicitado su publicación pero que no se han aceptado todavía.

Las referencias se numerarán consecutivamente en el orden en que aparecen en el texto. Las referencias en el texto, en los cuadros y en los epígrafes de figuras se identificarán con números arábigos encerrados entre paréntesis rectangulares. Las referencias que se citan solamente en cuadros o epígrafes de figuras se numerarán de acuerdo con la primera mención que se haga en el texto del cuadro o figura pertinente. Debe asegurarse que se dan todas las referencias.

Las citas hechas a referencias deben adjustarse al formato indicado a continuación.

Referencia a publicación periódica

- artículo modelo de publicación periódica (consignar todos los autores):
1. Alvarez ML, Mikasic D. Ottenberger A. Salazar ME. Características de familias urbanas con lactante desnutrido: un análisis critico. Arch Latinoam Nutr 1979;29:220-30.

-autor corporativos.
2. Committee on Enzymes of the Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Physiology. Recommended method for the determination of gammaglutamyltransferase in blood. Stand J Clin Lab Invest 1976;36:119-25.

Referencia a labro u otra rnonografía

-autor(es) personal(es):
3. Brozek J. Malnutrition and human behavior: experimental. clinical and community studies. Nueva York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.

-autor corporativo:
4. American Medical Association, Department of Drugs. AMA drug evaluations. 3ra. edición. Littleton, Mass.. EE.UU.: Publishing Sciences Group, 1977.

-editor, recopilador, presidente de consejo como autor:
5. Medioni J. Boesinger E, editores. Mécanismes éthologiques de l'évolution. Paris: Masson. 1977.

-capítulo de libro:
6. Barnett HG. Compatibility and compartmentalization in cultural changa. En: Desai AR, editor. Essays on modernization of underdeveloped societies. Bombay: Thacker, 1971.

Identificación. Los autores deberán consignar su nombre completo y titulación más alta. nombre del departamento e instituciones a las que se atribuirá el trabajo, el nombre y la dirección del autor responsable de la correspondencia del manuscrito, y fuentes de sustentación del trabajo. Si el material del articulo ha sido presentado previamente o se prevé publicación en otra parte, en forma igual o modificada. se deberá agregar una nota con detalles sobre dicha publicación.

Copias de la contribución. El contribuyente deberá conservar una copia del material que envíe. No se devolverán los manuscritos a no ser que se pida su devolución. Las correcciones de prueba se enviarán a los autores solamente en casos excepcionales.

Las contribuciones deberán dirigirse a:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

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