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UNU-AERC Workshop on Institutions and Development in Africa
The United Nations University Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan, 14-15 October 1998


Date: 14-15 October 1998 (9:00 – 17:30)
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan

Welcome, Introductions and Overview

Session 1 – Background and Major Challenges

  • Key Issues for African Development in the 21st Century – Delphin Rwegasira
  • Managing Economic Development in Africa – Nguyuru Lipumba, Policy Advisor, Tanzania
  • Strengthening Africa’s Participation in the Global Economy (See UNU-AERC Policy Brief) – Ernest Aryeetey, ISSER, Ghana
Session 2 – Framework and Economic Institutions
  • Institutions and Development in Africa: Background and Framework – Julius Court
  • Institutions and Private Sector Development in Africa – Beatrice Weder, University of Basle

Session 3 – Institutional Perspectives in Key Economic Areas

  • Institutions and Financial Development in Africa – Machiko Nissanke, SOAS, University of London and Ernest Aryeetey
  • Agricultural Policies, Rural Institutions and Development in Africa – Haidari Amani, University of Dar es Salaam
  • Policies and Institutions for Technology and Industrial Development – Sam Wangwe, Economic and Social Research Foundation
Session 4 – Political Institutions

  • Thinking about developmental states in Africa – Thandika Mkandawire, Director, UNRISD
  • Comment - Report from UNU-CODESRIA workshop on Institutions and Democracy in Africa – Achille Mbembe, Director, CODESRIA
  • Comment - Report on UNU-AERC survey of Bureaucratic Quality in Africa – Beatrice Weder
Session 5 – Preliminary Conclusions and Key Messages for TICAD II

Session 7 – Key Areas for Future Research - Roundtable Discussion


Other Workshop Participants:

Takashi Aoki (GRIPS),

Jean-Marc Coicaud (Senior Academic Officer, UNU); Yujiro Hayami (Aoyama Gakuin University); Koji Hayashi (Keiai University & ASA, Japan); Mr. Iijima (Director, Loan Division 3, OECF); Mr. Koenuma (Loan Division 3, OECF); Hirohisa Kohama (Shizuoka University), Uzo Mokwunye (Director, UNU/INRA); Takeshi Nakano (Deputy Managing Director, Planning Department, JICA); Minoru Obayashi (Ryukoku University); Juro Teranishi (Hitotsubashi University); Toru Yanagihara (Hosei University); Yumiko Yokozeki (JICA-IFIC),

Other Available papers (not presented):

  • Political, Economic and Social Institutions: A review of Growth Evidence – Janine Aron
  • Comparative Institutional Analysis: Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia - Machiko Nissanke and Ernest Aryeetey
  • Challenge of Poverty Reduction in Africa – Ali A. Ali, UNECA (Session 1)
  • Has Africa Turned the Corner? – Tony Killick, ODI
  • Experiences of Political Reform in Africa: Lessons for the Future – Goran Hyden

For further information please contact:
     Julius Court, Programme Coordinator
United Nations University Hq., 53-70 Jingumae 5 chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-8925, Japan
Tel: +(81-3) 3499-2811 | Fax: +(81-3) 3499-2828 | Email:

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