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UNU/UNESCO International Conference:
Globalization 2006

Agenda for 24 August 2006
Workshop: Linking Globalization, Science and Technology for Peace and Sustainable Development

The workshop focused on the processes through which science and technology link with — and contribute to — economic and social development, and the ways in which globalization impacts on these processes.


Opening Session

A.H. Zakri
A.H. Zakri

Opening remarks, and clarification of the workshop structure and aims (68 KB PowerPoint)

Video: English (00:24:43)


Coffee Break


Parallel Workshop Sessions

  1. Knowledge-Sharing
  2. Trade and Technology Transfer
  3. Society and Policy-Making
  4. Science and Technology Education for Sustainable Development

Workshop Session 1. Knowledge-Sharing

Rapporteurs: Fan Peilei, Wang Yanqing, Sofia Hirakuri

Itaru Yasui
Itaru Yasui

Chair: Itaru YASUI, Vice-Rector for Environment and Sustainable Development, UNU


Andrew B. Gidamis
Andrew B. Gidamis

Enhancing Information And Knowledge Sharing For Poverty Reduction (1.1 MB PowerPoint)

Luc Soete
Luc Soete

Abstract: Knowledge Sharing: A Global Challenge (80 KB PDF)

Knowledge Sharing: A Global Challenge (272 KB PDF)

Knowledge Sharing: A Global Challenge (212 KB PowerPoint)

Workshop Report:

Workshop 1: Knowledge Sharing (212 KB PowerPoint)

Video: English (00:05:50)

Workshop Session 2. Trade and Technology Transfer

Rapporteurs: Claudia ten Have, Ademola Braimoh, Rebecca Carter

Ana Maria Cetto
Ana Maria Cetto

Chair: Ana Maria CETTO, Deputy Director-General and Head, Department of Technical Cooperation, International Atomic Energy Agency


Gary P. Sampson
Gary P. Sampson

Trade and Technology Transfer (156 KB PDF)

Decio Ripandelli
Decio Ripandelli

Abstract: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: The Experience of Icgeb(56 KB PDF)

Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: The Experience of Icgeb (5.6 MB PowerPoint)

Workshop Report:

Trade and Technology Transfer Working Group Session (32 KB PDF)

Video: English (00:15:01)

Workshop Session 3. Society and Policy-Making

Rapporteurs: Catherine Monagle, Clarice Wilson, Christopher Kossowski

A.H. Zakri
A.H. Zakri

Chair: A.H. ZAKRI, Director, UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)


Issa Kalantari
Issa Kalantari

A Global Perspective (96 KB PDF)

We regret that Professor Sreenivasan had to cancel his attendance at the conference. His paper, entitled "Globalization, Society and Policy-Making" is presented below:

Globalization, Society and Policy-Making (88 KB PDF)

Douglas C. Pattie
Douglas C. Pattie

Strategies to Integrate Traditional and Modern Knowledge (128 KB PDF)

Strategies to Integrate Traditional and Modern Knowledge (12 MB PowerPoint)

Akihiro Abe
Akihiro Abe

Q&A for Work Group 3 (60 KB PDF)

Workshop: Linking Globalization, Science and Technology for Peace and Sustainable Development (9.9 MB PowerPoint)

A Proposal of Global Project 'Total Study of the Earth' Involving UNU/UNESCO, ICSU and IUPAC in the Age of 'Science for Society' (116 KB PDF)

Workshop Report:

Workshop3_Zakri.pdf (80 KB PDF)

Video: English (00:08:14)

Workshop Session 4. Science and Technology Education for Sustainable Development

Chair: Mohamed H.A. HASSAN, Executive Director, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)

Mohamed Hag Ali Hassan (Executive Director, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World) will not be chairing the "Science and Technology Education for Sustainable Development" workshop session. The session will be co-chaired by Nagia Essayed (Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission) and Katsunori Suzuki (Senior Fellow, UNU Institute of Advanced Studies).

Rapporteurs: Yoko Mochizuki, Maki Katayama

Monthip Sriritana Tabucanon
Monthip Sriritana Tabucanon

Abstract: Sustainable Development and the Sufficiency Economy: Role of Science and Technology (64 KB PDF)

Sustainable Development and the Sufficiency Economy (1.7 MB PDF)

Karl Harmsen
Karl Harmsen

Sustainability Natural Resource Management (312 KB PDF)

Sustainable Natural Resource Management (3.2 MB PowerPoint)

James Collins
James Collins

Students Becoming Scientists in the World: Integrating Research and Education for Sustainable Development (144 KB PDF)

Students Becoming Scientists in the World: Integrating Research and Education for Sustainable Development (3.1 MB PowerPoint)

Workshop Report:

The report is being prepared.

Video: English (00:07:08)


Lunch Break


Policy Recommendation Discussion

Co-chairs: Hans van GINKEL, Rector, UNU; Hans D'ORVILLE, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning, UNESCO

Video: Hans van Ginkel: Introduction to plenary session: English (00:14:27)

Video: Hans d'Orville: discussion: English (00:43:11)

For individual reports and video, see the workshop details above.

Closing Remarks

Video: Hans van Ginkel: Closing remarks: English (00:11:04)


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