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PLEC Components: Clusters, Subclusters and Offices


PLEC provides a unique network for South-South cooperation and South-North twinning arrangements. The work of PLEC is carried out through Clusters, which are all based at local institutions in Africa, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region. The PLEC network encompasses close to two hundred participants, including scientists, graduate students, policy-makers, government officials, NGOs, farmers and other stakeholders.

PLEC Clusters have been formed in the following countries:

  • West Africa (Ghana and Guinea)
  • East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda)
  • Yunnan Province of China
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Amazonian Brazil
In addition, Associated Groups participating in the project exist in:
  • Amazonian Peru
  • Mexico
  • Jamaica
  • Northern Thailand
Apart from Clusters in the South, institutions and scientists from Australia, Japan, UK, and USA, along with several thousand collaborating farmers and NGOs are also involved in PLEC.

Click on the circles above to obtain more information
on the respective clusters.
The Mesoamerica Cluster The Amazon Cluster The West Africa Cluster The East Africa Cluster The Montane Mainland Southeast Asia Cluster The PLEC Tokyo Office The Papau New Gunea Cluster The PLEC Canberra Office

PLEC Cluster Map


Six institutions work at project-wide level:

  1. United Nations University (UNU)
  2. United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
  3. Global Environmental Facility (GEF)
  4. The Australian National University (ANU)
  5. New York Botanical Garden, USA
  6. University of East Anglia, UK
The host institutions for the Clusters are:
  1. University of Ghana, Ghana
  2. University of Conakry, Guinea
  3. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Kenya
  4. Ukiriguru Agricultural Research and Training Institute, Tanzania
  5. Makerere University, Uganda
  6. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China
  7. Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  8. National Research Institute, Papua New Guinea
  9. University of Tokyo, Japan
  10. Federal University of Pará, Brazil
  11. Columbia University, USA (for Peru sub-Cluster)
  12. The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Mexico
  13. University of the West Indies, Jamaica
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