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About PLEC
PLEC News & Views
  The Mesoamerica Cluster The Amazon Cluster The West Africa Cluster The East Africa Cluster The Montane Mainland Southeast Asia Cluster The PLEC Tokyo Office The Papau New Gunea Cluster The PLEC Canberra Office   Mesoamerica Cluster
Amazon Cluster
West Africa Cluster
East Africa Cluster
Montane Mainland
Southeast Asia Cluster

Papau New Guinea Cluster
PLEC Office in Canberra
Welcome to the UNU Project on People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation (PLEC). PLEC involves
a collaborative effort between scientists and small farmers from across the developing world
to develop sustainable and participatory approaches to conservation, especially
of biodiversity, based on farmers' technologies and knowledge
within small farmers' agricultural systems.
News from PLEC:
PLEC Contact:
  • Mr. Luohui Liang
    The United Nations University Headquarters
    53-70 Jingumae, 5-chome Shibuya-ku
    Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
    Fax: +(81-3) 3499-2828
    E-mail: Luohui Liang
United Nations
Global Environment
United Nations
Environment Programme
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