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Weitere Zero Emissions bezogene Publikationen finden Sie auch in der Online Bibliothek der UNU unter...
UNU Zero Emissions Booklet Series
Kawasaki Environmental Industry Study Group
Kawasaki Eco-Town:
Towards Further Development in Environmental Industry

Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2005 (in Japanese)
Fujimura, Hiroyuki
Biomass: the Ultimate Zero Emissions - How to Utilize Biomass Resources to Establish a Sustainable Society
Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2004 (in Japanese)
Yakushima Project Working Group
Yakushima Project on Achieving Zero Emissions
Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2004 (in Japanese)
Taniguchi, Takayuki
Handbook on Water Resources
Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2003 (in Japanese)
Zero Emissions Manual Drafting Committee
Zero Emissions Manual -
Realizing a Zero Emissions-based Regional Community

Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2003 (in English & Japanese)
Sueyoshi, Koichi
Challenges for Zero Emissions at Kitakyushu Eco-town -
Environmental Conversation and Industrial Promotion

Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2002 (in Japanese)
Obayashi, Yoshihisa
Green Strategy of the Construction Industry -
From Zero Emissions to Global Warning Countermeasures

Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2002 (in Japanese)
Mitsuhasi, Tadahiro
Guidelines for Zero Emissions -
Aiming for an Economic Society that Generates No Wastes

Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2001 (in Japanese)
Yamaji, Keizo
Partical Methods for in Environmental Conscious Management -
From ISO 14,001 to Zero Emissions

Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2001 (in Japanese)
Taniguchi, Masatugu
Environmental Issues from the Perspective of Resource Mining -
For Increasing Resource Productivity

Tokyo: Kaizosha, 2001 (in Japanese)
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UNU/ZEF Publication Series
1609-4921 (in print)
1609-493X (online)
Lifset, Reid
The Industrial Ecology of Renewable Resources
Tokyo/Berlin, 1999
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Introductory Articles
Suzuki, Motoyuki
Visualisation of a Sustainable Industrialise Socitey -
Zero Emissions Approach

in: Filho, Walter L. & Arnolds, Ubelis (eds.):
Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region
Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlang, 2004, p.29-40
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Sustainable Society
Suzuki, Motoyuki & Kuehr, Ruediger
Visualisation of a Sustainable Industrialised Society
Presentation for International Conference
"Integrative Approaches towards Sustainability"
Jurmala (Latvia), 27 March 2003 (full paper - 883 kb)
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Zero Emissions Methodology and Technologies
Fujie, Koichi and Goto, Naohiro
Materials Flow Analysis and Modeling to Establish a Zero-Emission Network in Regional Areas
in: Integrative Approaches towards Sustainability
Proceedings of a German-Japanese Workshop
Munich, 2000 (full article - 548 kb)
Miyata, Yuzuru and Pang, Xiaojin
A General Equilibrium Analysis of Environmental and Economic Interaction with Material Circulation - A CGE-modeling Approach
in: Integrative Approaches towards Sustainability
Proceedings of a German-Japanese Workshop
Munich, 2000 (full article - 457 kb)
Abe, Ikuo; Teuchi, Takahiro; Shinohara, Osamu; Iwasaki, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Naohito and Tanada, Seiki
Removal of 4-Nonylphenol by Carbonaceous Materials Produced from Cottonseed Shell as Organic By-products
in: Environmental Science 13(5), 2000, p.580-585
(full article - 136 kb)
Gravitis, Janis
The Concept of the Zero Emissions bio-refinery
1998, (full article - 483 kb)
Williams, Eric and Troyer, Matthias
A Framework for Computer-aided Design, Modeling and Optimization of Integrated Industrial Systems
UNU/IAS Working Paper #54, 1998
(full article - 251 kb)
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Production and Consumption
Kuehr, Ruediger and Williams, Eric (eds):
Computers and the Environment. Understanding and Managing their Impacts
in: Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science Series (ECOE 14)
Dodrecht/NL: Kluwer Academic Publishers & United Nations University, October 2003, 300 pages

more information
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Synergetic Approaches to Sustainability
Robèrt, Karl-Henrik; Aloisi de Larderel, Jacqueline, Basile, George; Jansen, J. Leo; Kuehr, Ruediger; Price Thomas, Peter; Suzuki, Motoyuki; Hawken, Paul; Schmidt-Bleek, Bio and Wackernagel, Mathis
Strategic sustainable development -
selection, design and synergies of applied tools

in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 10 (3), 2002, pp.197-214
(abstract only - 22 kb)
Eyerer, Peter; Kupfer, T.; Wolf, M.-A.; Florin, H. und Kühr, R.
Methods towards sustainability -
Zero Emission (ZE) and Life Cycle Engineering (LCE)

NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Green Engineering and Management Methods and Tools for Central and Eastern Europe
Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 May 2000
Eyerer, Peter; Kupfer, T.; Wolf, M.-A.; Florin, H. und Kühr, R.
Emission as the integrated approach towards a sustainable society
At: United Nations University / Zero Emissions Forum and Fraunhofer Society "Symposium on Sustainable Development"
München, 29 September 2000
Eyerer, Peter; Kupfer, T.; Wolf, M.-A.; Florin, H. und Kühr, R.
Zero Emission and Life Cycle Engineering. International Symposium "Technology Cooperation -
A Chance for Sustainable Development"

At the World Exposition EXPO 2000
Hannover, 19-21 September 2000
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Publications from ZEF Events
Filho, Walter L. & Arnolds, Ubelis (eds)
Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region
Conference Documentation 26-29 March 2003
Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlang, 2004, p.555
Kühr, Rüdiger & Suzuki, Motoyuki (eds)
Integrative Approaches towards Sustainability
Proceedings of a German-Japanese Workshop
Munich, 29 September 2000, 159 pages
Send e-mail to kuehr at online dot de for copy.
Proceedings of the Second Annual UNU World Congress on Zero Emissions
May 29-31, 1996 (Text only document, figures missing - 471 kb)
Send e-mail to unu_zef at hq dot unu dot edu to receive a free hard copy including figures.
Paoletto, Glen & Kühr, Rüdiger (eds)
Small Islands and Sustainable Development
Proceedings of an International Symposium
Tokyo, 24 March 1995, 350 pages
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