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Putting ideas to work at UNU Press seminar

Eight United Nations University Press (UNUP) publications were the basis for a seminar called Putting Ideas to Work: The impact of powerful ideas on international reforms, held at UN Headquarters in New York June 21.

UNU World Chronicle host Tony Jenkins (second from left) conducts a
post-seminar interview with (from right): Andrew Cooper, Associate
Director, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI); Paul
Heinbecker, CIGI Distinguished Fellow in International Affairs and
former Canadian Ambassador to the UN; and (left) Jean-Marc 
Coicaud, head of the UN University Office at the UN.

The seminar, organised by UNU Office at the UN in New York, UNU Press and the Canadian-based Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), was attended by approximately 200 persons, filling the UN Headquarters Dag
Hammerskjold Auditorum to capacity.

The seminar examined the opportunities and limitations facing the academic community in shaping the evolution of global governance.

In the current context of debate on the reform of international institutions, the panel assessed the potential of ideas and knowledge of UN reform and the benefit these hold for member countries and their people. Authors and editors addressed the main ideas of their respective books, highlighted what intellectual and/or political value add those ideas conveyed and related them to the current debate about UN reform.

The seminar featured six presentations based on the following publications:

  • International Commissions and the Power of Ideas (UNUP-2005)
  • Reforming from the Top: A Leaders’ 20 Summit (UNUP-2005)
  • Tests of Global Governance: Canadian Diplomacy and United Nations World Conferences (UNUP-2005)
  • Enhancing Global Governance: Towards a New Diplomacy? (UNUP-2002)
  • Making States Work: State Failure and the Crisis of Governance (UNUP-2005)
  • Irrelevant or Indispensable: the United Nations in the 21st Century (Wilfrid Laurier University Press - forthcoming 2005)
  • The Globalization of Human Rights (UNUP-reprinted 2005)
  • The Legitimacy of International Organizations (UNUP-reprinted 2005)
  • Reforming International Environmental Governance (UNUP-2005).

Presentations were made by:

  • Simon Chesterman, Executive Director, Institute for International Law and Justice, New York University.
  • Jean-Marc Coicaud, Head, United Nations University Office at the UN
  • Andrew Cooper, Associate Director, Centre for International Governance Innovation
  • Ramu Damodaran, Chief, Civil Society Service/Outreach Division, Department of Public Information, United Nations
  • Jessica Green, Research Associate, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies
  • Paul Heinbecker, Distinguished Fellow in International Affairs, centre for International Governance Innovation, and former Canadian Ambassador to the UN.




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