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Aiming to build on themes from the World Development
Report 2000-2001, a
Conference on Growth and Poverty will be hosted by UNU's World
for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER) in Helsinki on 25-26
The conference will review what is currently known about the relationship
between poverty and growth and provide an opportunity to share views on
the direction of future research, including issues that require attention,
methods of analysis which need to be developed, and new data sets that
would facilitate research. Selected conference papers, together with
policy summary, will be included in a conference volume to be published by
Those interested in participating are invited to submit an application by
February 28 together with a short summary of their research interests.
Applications may be sent by e-mail to ara@wider.unu.edu,
by fax to +358 9
61599333 or by mail to: UNU/WIDER, Katajanokanlaituri 6B, 00160 Helsinki,