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Transboundary cooperation in Amazon basin ecosystems

Managers of biosphere reserves in the Amazon basin will join scholars specializing in biosphere reserves and countries and institutions interested in developing such projects at an international workshop on Amazon Biosphere Reserves: An Integrative Transboundary Initiative to be held at the University of Guyana, Georgetown, April 24-26.

This workshop integrates the activities of the South-South Cooperation Programme for Eco-development, which is sponsored jointly by UN University, UNESCO/MAB and the Third World Academy of Sciences. The event is also sponsored by the Center for Advanced Amazonian Studies of the Federal University of Pará, Brazil, Spain's Ministry for Environment, the University of Guyana Autonomous Organism for National Parks and other local agencies.

Overall aim of the workshop is to generate a programme of work and collaboration for the biosphere
in the region and to prepare a prioritized list of trans-border projects for follow up with appropriate funding agencies.

Specifically the objectives of the meeting are to:

  • exchange experiences and methodology for management and monitoring of biosphere reserves in the participating countries;
  • establish a mechanism for the interchange of experience and expertise among people engaged in the management and monitoring of Biosphere Reserves in the Amazonia region focusing on issues of sustainability, institutional framework, scientific and field methods, legislative issues and public support;
  • discuss the development of programmes for the participation and inclusion of the affected communities.



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