UNU Update 
The newsletter of United Nations University and its international network of affiliated institutes

Issue 8: April – May 2001


invited for
seminar on
coping with
change in the
information age

United Nations University (UNU) is accepting applications for its second Global Seminar – Shimane Session to be held July 24 to 27 at the University of Shimane. The theme will be IT, the Family, and Gender: Coping with Socio-Economic Change in the Information Age.

The keynote speech will be delivered by Professor Hiroko Hara of the University of the Air. Scheduled speakers  include Dr. Timothy Sinclair, of Warwick University; Dr. Gu Shulin, UNU Institute for New Technologies; Dr. John Mathiason, managing director of Associates for International Management Services, Inc.; Prof. Fumie Kumagai, Kyorin University; Prof. Katsuhiko Chika, University of Shimane; and Prof. Tamotsu Aoki, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies.

The UNU Global Seminar is an annual programme designed to enhance awareness about global issues among college students and young professionals in Japan by giving them an opportunity to interact with international scholars and experts. Sessions have been held each year in the Kanto area since 1985 (Shonan Session), in the Kansai area since 1995 (Kobe Session), in Okinawa since 1999 and in Hokkaido since 2000. The Shimane Session was inaugurated last year. 

Application forms for the Shimane Session are available from the UNU (tel. 03-3499-2811 or e-mail: gsshimane@hq.unu.edu). Deadline for applicatons is May 15.


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