UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its international network of affiliated institutes

Issue 7: February – March 2001


WTO's future,  fallout from
Kosovo crisis examined
in new
books from
UNU Press

How should policymakers respond to continuing pressure on the World Trade Organization while ensuring the preservation of a trading system that has led to unprecedented economic growth and contributed to the peaceful coexistence of nations?

2001, 308pp;
Paper; US$24.95

That is the question addressed in The Role of the World Trade Organization in Global Governance, now available from UNU Press. The book features contributions from a number of prominent personalities representing a broad spectrum of interests in international policy making and with a strong interest in a functional trade system.

The book is edited by Gary P. Sampson,  who has written extensively on international economic governance. Currently on leave from his post as director of the WTO, Sampson is Professor of International Economic Governance at UNU Institute of Advanced Studies and visiting academic at London School of Economics.


The Kosovo conflict has the potential to redraw the landscape of international politics, with significant ramifications for the UN, major powers, regional organizations, and the way in which we understand and interpret world politics. 

ISBN 92-808-1050-2
2000, 600 pages
Paper; US$39.95

Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention – Selective Indignation, Collective Action, and International Citizenship, edited by Albrecht Schnabel and Ramesh Thakur, offers interpretations of the Kosovo crisis from various perspectives: the conflict parties, NATO allies, the region surrounding the conflict, and further afield. 

Contributors address a range of questions, including: Can the veto now effectively be circumvented to launch selective enforcement operations and can the humanitarian imperative be reconciled with the principle of state sovereignty? 

Albrecht Schnabel is Academic Programme Officer in the Peace and Governance Programme of the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. Ramesh Thakur is Vice Rector of the United Nations University and head of the University's Peace and Governance Programme.



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