Issue 5: November - December 2000


New Directors Appointed
to WIDER and IAS 

UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel has announced the appointment of new directors for the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER) in Helsinki and the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) in Tokyo. 

Professor Tony Shorrocks

Photo by Kimmo Brandt

Professor Tony Shorrocks will take over as Director of UNU/WIDER on January 1, 2001. Professor Shorrocks is currently a Visiting Professor at New Economic School in Moscow and Research Professor at the University of Essex.

Professor Shorrocks is a leading scholar in the field of income distribution. His research has focused in particular on the methods of measuring and analyzing inequality, poverty, income mobility and living
standards. Numerous papers on these topics have appeared in international economic journals including Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Economic Journal and Economica. 

More recently he has been working on the social problems facing Russia in the post reform era. In 1996 he was elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society.

Prof. Zakri Hamid
Professor Zakri Hamid

Professor Zakri Hamid, currently Deputy Vice Chancellor at the National University of Malaysia, will become Director of UNU/IAS at the beginning of next year. 

Prof. Zakri received his Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from Michigan State University in 1976.  Since then he has worked at the National University of Malaysia, where he was made a full professor in 1986. He has published extensively on the issues of genetics, plant breeding, biotechnology and biodiversity. 

Increasingly in recent years he was worked as an academic administrator at the National University of Malaysia. He has served as the head of department of genetics, dean of faculty of life sciences and, since 1992, as deputy vice chancellor.

Prof Zakri also has extensive policy experience at the national and international levels. Since 1999, he has been the interim Chair of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a major undertaking to assess the world's ecosystems.


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Revised: January 19, 2004