Issue 4: October 2000


UNU Stages Conference
on Value of Forests

The multiple values of forests in promoting sustainable development will be highlighted at an upcoming conference organized by United Nations University. Delegates will discuss the proposal for an international year of forests, future forest management practices and valuation and awareness building.

The event, "The Values of Forests – International Conference on Forests and Sustainable Development", will be held October 12 and 13 at UNU Centre in Tokyo. It is being co-organized by the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development (WCFSD) and the Japanese Environment and Forestry agencies.

Speakers will include: Wakako Hironaka, Member, House of Councillors, Japanese Diet; Ola Ullsten, Former Prime Minister of Sweden and Co-Chair of the WCFSD; Matti Palo of the Finnish Forest Research Institute; George Woodwell, President of the Woods Hole Research Center; naturalist and writer C.W. Nicol; and other distinguished scholars.

For more information, visit the conference web site  or contact UNU Public Affairs, tel. (03) 5467-1243, -1246; fax (03) 3406-7346


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Revised: February 22, 2001