Issue 3: September 2000


New book studies development,
pollution link in Central Europe

A new book from UNU Press looks at ongoing change in Central Europe and discusses the problems of combining economic restructuring with environmental cleanup.

Old Sins: Industrial Metabolism, Heavy Metal Pollution, and Environmental Transition in Central Europe is based on the work of two projects focused on development in two Central European regions: the Rhine Basin and the Black Triangle-Upper Silesia region.

The research provides analyses of pollution flows from historical and geographical perspectives.  It combines that knowledge with analyses of the social and institutional development. The industrial metabolism approach is introduced and discussed through different studies. This book is of interest to researchers and students of regional development, environmental studies, transdisciplinary research or Central Europe. 

The authors: Stefan Anderberg, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen; Sylvia Prieler, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria; Krzysztof Olendrzynski, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo; and Sander de Bruyn, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics, Free University, Amsterdam.

ISBN 92-808-1049-9; 2000, 208 pages; Paper; US$19.95


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