Issue 3: September 2000


Threats to mountains target
of new UNU partnership

Increasing threats to mountain communities and environments is the focus of a new UNU project on the sustainable development of mountain systems.

The project, in partnership with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Berne, Switzerland, and with the general support of the Japanese Government, aims to improve understanding of ongoing human and environmental pressures on the world's mountain systems with a view to mitigating their impact.  It will also enhance the competence and capacities of local research institutions through partnering with other institutions.

Mountains are among the world's most vulnerable areas, with fragile ecosystems susceptible to land degradation and critical biodiversity loss. They are also losing indigenous cultures and traditions. Underscoring increasing international concern about these issues, the UN General Assembly has designated 2002 the International Year of Mountains.

UNU Co-sponsors Major Mountain Conferences

UNU is co-sponsor of two major upcoming international meetings on mountain issues:

  • The Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment, the first international mountain biodiversity research conference, will be held in Rigi in the Swiss Alps, Sept. 7 to 10. The conference will initiate the global mountain biodiversity network activity of DIVERSITAS, a Paris-based biodiversity science programme. Aim of the meeting: synthesize existing knowledge on mountain biodiversity.

  • The International Symposium on the Himalayan Environments: Mountain Sciences and Ecotourism/Biodiversity will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov. 24 to 26.  Delegates will discuss current knowledge on Himalayan environmental sciences and the activities of non-research organizations in protected areas, including Kanchanjunga Conservation Area.  The symposium will identify problems between academic and non-academic organizations operating in the Himalayas, develop a plan to coordinate efforts and discuss the role of environmental sciences in promoting ecotourism and conserving mountain biodiversity.


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Revised: January 19, 2004