The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue34: November - December 2004


Jordan University students learn leadership skills

UNU International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI) has launched a new programme to foster learning about leadership skills among students at the University of Jordan.

Pictured at the opening session (from left): Luqman Arsalan
and Serena Haddad (two of the ILI alumni involved in the
course); acting ILI director Jairam Reddy; Inaam Khalaf,
director of the community service office, University of
Jordan; ILI programme officer Muna Odeh; and Rafat
Zatmah, ILI finance and administration officer.

Conducted in association with the university's community service office, the two-month Youth Leadership training course involves 81 students from the university's 17 faculties working.

The student body has have been divided into three modules: economics and entrepreneurship; culture and society; and media and communication.  

Under the coordination and supervision of ILI faculty, 11 students have been selected to disseminate the knowledge and skills acquired during the course to their peers at the university.

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