The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue30: March-April 2004


INCORE announces three
Summer School courses

UNU International Conflict Research (UNU-INCORE) is offering three summer school courses at the University of Ulster June 14-18. This year's courses are:

  • The Management of Peace Processes
  • Track Two Diplomacy and Conflict Transformation
  • Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Peacebuilding Projects

The International Summer School provides an intensive week of training, networking and discussion in the field of conflict resolution. Facilitated by leading experts, the school is aimed at mid- to senior-level policy makers, practitioners, academics, members of the media, military and religious organisations. The school provides an interactive learning environment and attempts to bridge the gap between policy, practice and research.

In addition to the summer school courses, INCORE is also offering a three-day course called Northern Ireland Conflict Resolution: An Introductory Programme June 10-12.

Designed as an introduction to conflict resolution practices in Northern Ireland, this programme will give participants the opportunity to engage in interactive dialogues with representatives from community organisations, ex-combatants, political parties and governmental agencies.

More information on courses, facilitators and tuition fees plus an online application form is available at the Summer School web site.


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