The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue30: March-April 2004


UNU, Costa Rica join forces
in biotech capacity building

Pictured at the signing ceremony in Costa Rica (from left): CONICIT president 
Dr. Rolando Meléndez, UNU-BIOLAC coordinator Dr. José Luís Ramirez
and Costa Rica's Science and Technology Minister Fernando Gutierrez.

UN University is taking steps to expand its influence in biotechnology capacity building in Latin America and the Caribbean.

On January 29, UNU signed a  memorandum of understanding with Costa Rica's National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICIT) to establish a capacity development programme for young professionals with the aim of achieving a larger impact in specific areas of biotechnology, greater geographical spread and optimization of resources to benefit countries in  Central American and the Caribbean.

The principal partners in the agreement are UNU Biotechnology Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC) and CONICIT, which will work together to establish a capacity development programme for young professionals involving fellowships, training courses, scientific workshops and other initiatives. All activities will be carried out at Costa Rican universities, research institutions and agencies.

The memorandum of understanding was signed at the San José headquarters of CONICIT by the President of CONICIT, Dr. Ronald Melendez, and UNU-BIOLAC Coordinator Dr. José Luis Ramirez and endorsed by Costa Rica's Minister of Science and Technology, Fernando Gutierrez at a ceremony attended by university leaders, academics, government officials, UN agency representatives and media.

The Minister said that the new capacity development programme was consistent with the Costa Rica's goal of achieving regional integration and development.


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