Issue 2: July – August 2000


New study from UN University: 
Human Rights and Foreign Policy

The place of human rights in the contemporary foreign policies of 10 states and regions is the focus of a new book from UN University Press.

In Human Rights and Comparative Foreign Policy, leading world experts use a unique common framework to analyze the foreign policies of 10 subject countries and regions as they relate to human rights.

The authors note increasing attention is being paid to human rights in foreign policy. Most states, however, including those most concerned about human rights, are reluctant to elevate the issue to a level equal to traditional security and economic concerns. As well, states that do seek to integrate human rights with other concerns often develop great foreign policy inconsistencies.

Editor David P. Forsythe is Distinguished Professor of Political Science at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a consultant to the International Red Cross, and serves on the Human Rights Program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

ISBN 92-808-1033-2 / April 2000 / 365 pages / Paper / US$29.95


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