The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue 29: January-February 2004


Applications open for 2004
International Courses

International Courses will be conducted
at UN University Centre in Tokyo.

Applications are open for the fifth programme of UN University International Courses (UNU/IC) being conducted at UNU Centre, Tokyo May 17- June 25.

These four courses offered are:

  • The United Nations System: International Civil Service and Contemporary Global Challenges

  • Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Human Rights: Concepts and Issues

  • International Cooperation and Development.

They are designed to give students a deeper understanding of selected global issues, help them to sharpen their analytical and problem-solving skills and develop specific research skills. Course are taught in English by a team of  in-house and outside experts, including practitioners from several UN organizations.

The courses are open to postgraduate students and professionals from Japan and abroad who are interested in working in international fields in public service or private organizations, including the United Nations system, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multinational corporations and national foreign-service agencies. 

Deadline for applications is January 15. Brochures, application forms and information about tuition fees and financial assistance for participants from developing countries are available at the International Courses website.


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