The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue 29: January-February 2004


Panelists take questions during the side event on The Future of Online Learning. Pictured (from left): Toshihiko Yamato, Chief Technology Officer, Director of the Alliance and Technology Division, CISCO Systems Japan; Prof. Kimio Uno, head of the UNU Delegation; Gillian Martin Mehers, director for Capacity Development at LEAD International, UNU researcher Brendan Barrett and Harald Holt, Director of UNU-Global Virtual University)

Strong UNU presence at
Information Society Summit

UN University sent a delegation and organized two side events at the recent World Summit on the Information Society, held in Geneva December 10-12.

In a statement submitted to the summit, UNU outlined its plans to use online education, e-learning and virtual universities to enhance capacity development activities throughout the UN system.

The first UNU side event on December 10 was entitled Sustainability in the Information Society. Eric Williams was the main speaker from the UNU and the co-organizers included the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research. 

The second side event, on 11 December, dealt with the Future of Online Learning. The event included presentations from UNU, Global Virtual University , Keio University , Cisco Systems and LEAD International. 

The head of the UNU delegation, visiting professory Kimio Uno, represented the UNU in a High Level Roundtable on Diversity in Cyberspace.

Other UNU delegates were from UNU Centre, UNU-IIST, UNU-ILA, UNU-INTECH and UNU-Global Virtual University .


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