The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue 29: January-February 2004


M. S. Swaminathan

Green Revolution leader
to deliver INTECH lecture

M S Swaminathan, one of three Indians on Time magazine's list of the 20 most influential Asians of the 20th Century, will deliver the third annual Amilcar Herrera lecture at UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH), Maastricht, April 7.

Prof. Swaminathan, who is founder and chair of the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (Centre for Research on Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development) in India, will speak on the theme of Technology and Sustainable Food Security.

A plant geneticist by training, Prof. Swaminathan is widely credited as the scientific leader of the green revolution movement because of his contribution to India's agricultural renaissance. His advocacy of sustainable agriculture leading to an ever-green revolution makes him an acknowledged world leader in the field of sustainable food security. UNEP has called him "the Father of Economic Ecology" and UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar described him as "a living legend who will go into the annals of history as a world scientist of rare distinction".

The UNU-INTECH annual series of public lectures is named in honour of the late Prof. Amilcar Herrera, a respected scientist and policy-maker in the field of science, technology and development.


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