The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue 29: January-February 2004


Bid to strengthen FNP
work in Latin America

Former fellows of the UNU Food and Nutrition Programme (UNU-FNP) from Latin America are joining forces to develop a sustainable framework for the programme and strengthen its activities in the region. Their first priority will be helping to build the capacity of the Nutrition Institute of Central America and Panama (INCAP) in Guatemala.

This was one of the outcomes of a meeting of about 50 former UNU fellows held during the congress of the Latin American Nutrition Society in Acapulco, Mexico, in November. It was also agreed that professional information about all former UNU-FNP fellows would be posted on the Latinut websit, an Internet forum on Latin American nutrition topics hosted by UNU and the International Union of Nutrition Science (IUNS).

A survey has been sent to all former fellows to gauge their interest in supporting other UNU-FNP activities in Latin America and to solicit ideas about how to support young professionals committed to improving food and nutrition in region.


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