The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes
Issue 29: January-February 2004


Inter-linkages model 'best
hope for better environment'

The United Nations must promote better coordination among its environmental activities and agencies with the focus on linking global policy with regional, national and local implementation, according to the coordinator of UN University's Inter-linkages Initiative, Jerry Velasquez.

"Our problems are interlinked, so must be our solutions," Dr. Velasquez told a packed house at the seminar Improving the Role of the United Nations in Environmental Governance – National and Regional Approaches, organised by the UNU New York office and held at UN headquarters  November 14.

He said that the Inter-Linkages model is demand driven, value added, contributes to sustainable development, follows principles of subsidiarity, and is an excellent initiative bringing together international, national, and local efforts in better environmental governance.

Other panelists at the seminar stressed the need to commit more financial and human resources to the task of implementing multilateral environmental agreements. Dr. Jacque Mougeot, legal adviser to the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), argued that many countries in the South Pacific region lacked the resources to manage these highly technical and scientific agreements.


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