UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 28: November-December 2003

Conference on regional
integration and public goods

Can regional governance succeed where globalization has failed? That's the question to be confronted by delegates to a conference on Regional Integration and Public Goods, being organised by UNU Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) in Bruge November 20-21.

The global governance system has been unable to provide security and stability, eradicate disease, eliminate poverty or simply guarantee access to clean water. The conference will address the questions:

  • Can regional governance systems provide global/regional public goods and thus bridge the existing implementation gap?

  • What is the record in public goods provision in different regions of the world?

  • What are the challenges in shaping a new regional agenda?

  • How can the continued provision of global/regional public goods be ensured through the emerging global/regional order?

The conference is open to all interested parties.




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