UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 28: November-December 2003

UNU to host forum on
health and development

The links between macroeconomic policy and public health will be in the spotlight when UN University hosts a public forum on Health and Development � Economic Aspects of Public Health at UNU Centre, Tokyo, November 26.




The forum will assess the final report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH), which argues that investment in health offers both social and economic benefits. The report lays out a set of measures designed to maximize the poverty reduction and economic development benefits of health sector investments in developing countries.

Three CMH members will present their views on the commission's work: Takatoshi Kato, Advisor to the President, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, and former Vice Minister of Finance of Japan; Nora Lustig, Rector of Universidad de las Am�ricas and former Senior Advisor and Chief of the Poverty and Inequality Unit at the Inter-American Development Bank; and Richard Feachem, founding Director of the Institute for Global Health and Professor of International Health at the University of California in San Francisco and Berkeley.

Their presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with Japanese experts on public health and development, who will comment on the CMH�s findings and link them to Japanese development cooperation practice.

The forum is open to the public. Registration deadline is November 21.





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