UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 28: November-December 2003

Kofi Annan

UNU projects cited in
Secretary-General's report

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has highlighted the work of UN University in his latest annual report.

Mr. Annan made special mention of the Global Virtual University, a joint initiative of the UNU and United Nations Environment Programme as "a tangible example of cooperation in building digital bridges to promote human security and prosperity through environmentally sustainable development."

"The Global Virtual University is an international network of cooperating universities and institutions organized as a branch of UNU with an administrative centre at Arendal, Norway," Mr. Annan said. "Its core institutions are UNU, UNEP, the UNEP Global Resource Information Data Centre in Norway (GRID-Arendal) and Agder University College in Norway and it will deliver online courses and programmes on environment and development with a global outreach.

"Additionally, universities in Ghana, Uganda and South Africa are among its participants."

Elsewhere in his report, the Secretary-General also quoted from two recent UNU studies. The first reaffirms the priority of human rights practices in societies in transition, not only because of their intrinsic value, but also because of their multiplier effects on democratization, economic development and conflict resolution. The second "emphasizes that the management of refugee movements and protection of displaced people should be an integral part of conflict settlement, peace-building and regional security."


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