UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 28: November-December 2003

UNU to help launch African
exchange centre in Tokyo


UN University and the African Diplomatic Corps (ADC) in Tokyo have decided to launch an Africa-Japan-Asia Centre for Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchanges (AJAC) in Tokyo before the end of the year.

The AJAC will contribute to furthering African awareness within Japan and Asia, particularly within the business community, according to a UNU Policy Brief prepared for distribution at the Third Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD III).

"UNU and ADC strongly believe that adoption of a new marketing approach towards Africa's promotion will help to reverse the impediments to trade and investment in Africa," the report says.

"The AJAC can play an important role in disseminating information, data and investment opportunities in specific African countries and sub-regions. The centre will also aim to facilitate communication between Africa and Japan in the context of ODA (official development assistance) and investment projects."

The main missions of the centre will be to:

  • Encourage trade and investment missions to Africa;

  • Enhance Asia-Africa cooperation through various schemes, including the formation of investment agreements and the improvement of economic infrastructure as well as the exchange of human resources;

  • Eliminate trade barriers in order to promote African products in Japan and other markets; and

  • Promote transfer of technology that is well adapted to the African context.

Along with the AJAC announcement, the UNU policy brief also includes detailed sections on; Infrastructures and development in Africa; African institutions building and regional integration; Capital Flows and risk management; and TICAD and NEPAD.

The other major UNU document presented at TICAD III was the 2003 Africa Day Report: The Role of Infrastructure in the Development and Integration of Africa. The report presents the proceedings of this year's UNU Africa Day Symposium, held in Tokyo May 13 and includes the keynote speech delivered by President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal.



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