UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 28: November-December 2003

Focus on Inter-linkages
research at NY briefing

UN University will launch key reports on environmental governance during a briefing and panel discussion on Improving the Role of United Nations in Environmental Governance – National and Regional Approaches at UN headquarters in New York. The reports include a study on possible areas of cooperation between the Rio Conventions and a case study of environmental governance in Papua New Guinea.

The launch, being organized as a side event to the UN General Assembly Second Committee meetings, will be held  Friday, November 14 from 3-6 p.m. in Conference Room 2 in the UN Secretariat building.

This session follows previous UNU research on the inter-linkages approach to environmental governance conducted in 15 countries in the Asia Pacific region.. Reports that will serve as background documents to the discussion include:

  • National and regional case studies on environmental governance (15 country case studies, four from the Pacific, 10  ASEAN countries and one in South Asia);

  • National implementation linkages among the Rio Conventions;

  • Inter-linkages in Financing Sustainable Development;

  • National and Regional Approaches to Inter-linkages.

This session focuses on the opportunities and challenges in promoting a synergistic approach to sustainable development governance, particularly at the national and regional levels. The purpose of the session is to explore how countries can maximise the benefits of taking a synergistic approach to the work of institutions like the UN. Areas where this approach could be applied include national institutions, capacity building needs, technology transfer, education and outreach, impacts and adaptation and reporting.

The meeting will be chaired by Jean-Marc Coicaud, Acting Head, UNU Office in New York. Panelists will include Dr. Jerry Velasquez, Coordinator, Inter-linkages initiative, UNU; Dr. Jacques Mougeot, Legal Adviser, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP); Mr. Godfried Angi, Department of Environment and Conservation, Government of Papua New Guinea; and Mr. Arturo Garcia Costas, United Nations Development Programme / Global Environmental Facility (UNDP/GEF).

Members of permanent missions, agencies and organizations of the UN system, Secretariat staff, representatives of non-governmental organizations and the media are invited to attend. Registration information is available on the UNU Office in New York website.



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