UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 28: November-December 2003

New from UNU Press

East Asian Experience in 
Environmental Governance:
Response in a Rapidly Developing Region

The East Asian region has seen considerable growth in its economy, industrial base and population in the last two decades. All three of these factors are often linked to over-exploitation and degradation of environmental resources. 

East Asian Experience in Environmental Governance, edited by Zafar Adeel, of UNU International Network on Water Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), provides a broad-brush overview of the existing governance regime that deals with the environmental challenges in the region. Three sectors closely linked to the region's economic and industrial growth are selected for deeper analysis: pesticide management; water quality and resources management; and air pollution management.

The five countries studied � China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand � incorporating highly-industrialized, industrializing and developing economies. This grouping also provides a mix of political and historical backgrounds that are diverse enough to provide a glimpse of the �typical� East Asian governance mechanisms.

The findings from this book, and the case studies contained herein, can help in developing a fundamental understanding of what works and what doesn't in the region's environmental governance structure. Clearly, only effective and meaningful environmental governance can ensure long-term sustainability of the remarkable industrial and economic growth observed in this region.

  • Zafar Adeel is an environmental engineer with post-graduate degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and Iowa State University. He is Assistant Director (Project Development) at UNU-INWEH in Canada.



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