UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 27: September-October 2003

Inter-linkages focusing on
implementation, partnerships

The Inter-linkages Initiative, a project of UN University's Environment and Sustainable Development Programme, is moving ahead with a series of targeted activities reflecting a stronger focus on implementation and partnerships. 

The initiative aims to build upon the Johannesburg WSSD outcomes by developing cohesive responses to linked environmental problems, especially in the areas of capacity development, information and knowledge management and national/regional support mechanisms.

Among this year's activities:

March – ASEAN regional workshop, Kuala Lumpur.
Co-organized with the ASEAN Secretariat and other regional partners, the workshop focused on integrated capacity development in South East Asia and produced a set of recommendations, tabled and adopted at the ASEAN Working Group on MEAs, which met immediately after the workshop.

Presentation of the inter-linkages approach during CSD 11 in New York.

May – Training course at the 11th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), New York.
This session, part of the CSD learning center, centered on how inter-linkages can contribute to the implementation of the WSSD Plan of Action, especially at regional levels. It presented both challenges and good practices through practical examples of integrated management and capacity development from Asia and Pacific, given by both experts from the UNU and practitioners from the ASEAN and Pacific regions.

June – Asia Pacific capacity building partnership.
UNU initiated a partnership on integrated capacity building in the Asia Pacific together with key regional and international organizations (ASEAN Secretariat, IGES, UNDP-Capacity 2015, UNDP-GEF, UNEP, UNITAR, and SPREP) to promote  coordination and collaboration at the regional and national levels.

July – 15th national inter-linkages case study, Bhutan.
At the invitation of the Bhutanese government, UNU undertook its 15
th national inter-linkages case study on the management of multilateral environmental agreements. Coming after the 10 ASEAN member countries and four Pacific nations, Bhutan is the first South-Asian country to be studied. UNU intends to expand its work to this region in the coming months.

August – Papua New Guinea national workshop.
UNU discussed the results of its Papua New Guinea case study with stakeholders at a national workshop. The feedback will provide important input for the finalization of a report, which outlines findings and recommendations of a study undertaken with the PNG Government and UNDP/PNG.

In September, the Inter-linkages Initiative will hold a side-event during the Governing Council of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme where the four case study countries of the region and other international organizations will discuss and promote joint regional approaches for environmental management. The event will pave the way for a Pacific regional workshop scheduled for late 2003.

More information on the case studies and recent activities is available online at: http://www.geic.or.jp/



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