UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 27: September-October 2003

UNU Press releases
promotional video

UN University Press has released the first of a series of brief promotional videos to highlight new books and the issues they address.

The first video focuses on the book From Civil Strife to Civil Society which was promoted in New York in June at an event attended by academics, diplomats and the general public. The book focuses on the timely topic of reconstructing society following major strife, such as war.

The video contains an overview of the book and is intended to provide information about the authors, the specific topics covered and the broader context in which the book is published.   Other videos in the series will follow this format. 

The video was produced in the UNU Media Studio, a new multimedia unit established in March by UN University, Keio University, the LEAD Japan Programme and Cisco Systems K.K..

The studio is part of a global network designed to disseminate research findings and raise public awareness about pressing global issues. The Media Studio supports online education activities by UNU and its partners through a range of technologies and channels.




RIGHT: scenes from the 
UNU Press promotional video. 
Top: Panel discussion at 
the New York book launch.
Middle: UNU Vice Rector Ramesh
Thakur, one of the book's editors.
Bottom: Co-editor William Maley
speaks at the New York event.


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