UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 27: September-October 2003

Report urges new measures
on gender and poverty

Concrete policy recommendations to improve the gender-responsiveness of poverty alleviation measures and increase the overall effectiveness of anti-poverty policy are contained in a new report from UN University.

The report is the result of a UNU Workshop on Gender and Poverty Alleviation held at UNU Centre in Tokyo last November. The workshop was the first part of the UNU North-South Dialogue on Gender Issues, a series of meetings organized at UNU Centre to improve the translation of research on gender, development and peace into relevant policy advice.

The workshop, which brought together experts on gender and poverty alleviation with extensive experience in this field in government, academia, the United Nations, and the NGO sector, reviewed current policies for the reduction of poverty, examined the effectiveness of policy implementation and monitoring mechanisms, and discussed ways to improve the nexus between research and policy-making in the area of gender and poverty.




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