UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 27: September-October 2003


Nutrition-infection link target
of capacity-building project

UNU Food and Nutrition Programme (UNU-FNP)  has joined forces with the International Nutrition Foundation (INF) and the International Union of Nutrition Sciences (IUNS) in an initiative to improve the capacity of selected developing country research institutions in areas related to nutrition and infection.

The project, funded through a five-year US$1-million-a-year grant from the Ellison Medical Foundation of Bethesda, Maryland, will strengthen a number of stable centers of excellence for research related to the interactions of nutrition and infection. It is designed to assist institutions that already have a strong research record or research potential to improve their competence.

In the first two years of the programme, a total of 30 fellowships have been awarded to 14 institutions and the full annual amount available has been fully committed although actual expenditure of these funds will be spread over future years.  It is anticipated that the funds 2004 and 2005 will be similarly fully obligated in the year they are available. Additional fellowship funds are being sought from other sources.



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