UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 26: July-August 2003

Academic freedom more
important than ever – Rector

UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel delivers the
commencement address at California State
University, Sacramento, flanked by University
 President Donald Gerth (right) and William
Sullivan, dean of the College of Arts and Letters.

University autonomy and academic freedom will be crucial in preparing current generations for the new globalised world, UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel told an audience at California State University, Sacramento.

"In such a diverse, but intensely interconnected world . . . a strong development of international relations will be needed, in particular to promote better international understanding," van Ginkel said.

"It will only be possible to increase and improve knowledge and information about other people, cultures and societies, when one is prepare to actively engage in dialogue; unconditional and with a truly open mind."

"University autonomy and academic freedom have been granted to universities to be able to contribute in truly innovative ways to the future of society, to the best benefit and interest of society.

"All societies that have forgotten this crucial truth about universities have ultimately suffered decline."

The Rector was visiting the university to receive an honorary doctorate and to deliver the commencement address at the university's College of Arts and Letters.


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