UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 25 : June 2003

New e-working paper series
on regional integration 

UNU Programme on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) has launched a series of electronic working papers on regional integration contributed by distinguished academics and policy-makers.

First titles in the series include:

  • Regulatory Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements: the "Singapore" Issues by Ken Heydon
  • Is There an Asian Pacific Model of Regional Agreements? by Helen E.S. Nesadurai
  • New Regionalism and Global Economic Governance by Pierre Defraigne
  • From Trade-Led to Monetary-Led Regionalism; why Asia in the 21st Century will be Different from Europe in the 20th Century by Richard Higgott
  • Theorising Regionhood by Luk Van Langenhove



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