UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 24: March-April 2003

Sunil Mani (left) and audience members
at the launch of his new book.

New book analyses
innovation policies

A new book resulting from a UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH) research project on the role of government in promoting innovation was officially launched at INTECH's Maastricht headquarters February 12.

Government, Innovation and Technology Policy: an International Comparative Analysis, by Sunil Mani, offers a comprehensive analysis of the changing role of government in domestic technology development in eight countries in both the developed and the developing world. 

The author distinguishes between countries which create new technologies (Japan, Korea and Israel) and those with the potential to become creators (Singapore, Malaysia, India, South Africa and Brazil) and details the policy measures each country employs to stimulate investments in R&D in the enterprise sector. 

Government, Innovation and Technology Policy will be a valuable text for governments, NGOs and multilateral institutions interested in the practicalities of promoting innovation at the enterprise level. It will also be useful supplementary reading for scholars and students of the theory and practice of innovation policy.



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