UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 24: March-April 2003

UNU to play major role
at World Water Forum

UN University will play an important role at the 3rd World Water Forum to be held in the Japanese cities of Kyoto, Shiga and Osaka March 16-23.

UNU is involved in organising a number of sessions at the forum and experts from the Environment and Sustainable Development Programme and UNU International Network on Water Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) will lead or participate in the discussions at those and other sessions.

Hans van Ginkel

UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel will give the opening remarks at the first UNU-organised session on the Technological and Policy Dimensions of Arsenic Contamination in the Asia Region to be held on the opening day of the forum. Prof. van Ginkel will chair the opening plenary session on March 18, which has been designated Asia and Pacific Day. 

On March 20, UNU-INWEH director Ralph Daley will give a keynote address on Integrated, Demand Responsive Capacity Development during a session on Water, Education and Capacity Building. Zafar Adeel, of the Environment and Sustainable Development Programme, will also deliver a lecture during that session.

On March 22, Prof. van Ginkel will deliver the keynote lecture in a session devoted to Emerging Water Issues at the Beginning of the Third Millennium.

Other sessions in which UNU personnel will play leading roles include:

For the duration of the forum, UN University Press will mount a display of its publications in the stakeholder centre located in Kyoto International Conference Hall.


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